How to Convert Your Tournament to use DUPR Ratings

How to Convert Your Tournament to use DUPR Ratings

If you want to use the DUPR rating for a tournament opened for registration using the Pickleball Brackets Ratings (PBR) and World Pickleball Ratings (WPR), there is a process that has been created to facilitate this conversion. Before proceeding, please note that:

  • The DUPR doubles rating will be used for mixed doubles.
  • If you offer Skinny Singles, the PBR Skinny Single rating will still be used.
  • Converting your tournament may cause players to be in brackets with skill levels lower or higher than their DUPR rating. You will need to review your brackets to determine if adjustments should be made to a player’s registered bracket(s).

To convert your PBR or WPR tournament, complete these steps:

  1. Log into using your tournament director account.
  2. Go to the tournament dashboard for the tournament you want to convert.
  3. Open the Main Menu.

  1. Select “Sanctioned / Approved & Ratings”.
  1. In the section titled “Ratings to use at the time of registrations”, open the “1st Choice” drop-down box. Change the first choice from PBR or WPR to DUPR. Note: It is recommended that you set the “2nd Choice” drop-down box to what was previously set in the 1st Choice setting (i.e.: either PBR or WPR), and the 3rd Choice setting to “Self – From Player Profile”).

From this point forward any additional players registering will be required to have a DUPR account.. If they don’t have a DUPR account, they will be required to create one and connect it to their account profile. If their DUPR account does not have a valid rating, then their PBR, WPR or self-rating will be used to place them in the correct bracket.

  1. Save the changes.
  2. Open the Main Menu again and select the “Attendees” option.

  1. To convert all previously registered players to use the DUPR rating, select the “Update ALL Player Event Ratings” button.

  1. In order to see all players who have not connected their account profile to DUPR, return to the Main Menu and select “Reports”.

  1. In the Reports menu, select “Players without DUPR” to create a CSV file that will download to your computer.

  1. To message the players who have not connected their account profile to DUPR, return to the Main Menu and select “Messages”.

  1. Select “Add a Campaign”.

  1. From the drop-down menu, select “Players without DUPR”

  1. Enter the details below and then select the “Get Recipient Count” to see how many players do not have their DUPR account connected.

  1. Once you have confirmed the number of recipients, build the email, set the schedule, and save it to send at the appropriate time. Note that you can link to a blog post that provides step-by-step instructions to players on how to complete this connection by using this link: <INSERT CORRECT LINK>.

Note that this same process can be completed at the “Club” level via the Main Menu on the your Club dashboard.