Elite Holiday Pickleball Tournament
Elite Holiday Pickleball Tournament logo
104 players registered
Dec 10, 2022 - Dec 11, 2022
Elite Holiday Pickleball Tournament
Tournament Description
Join Elite Tennis & Wellness for our Holiday Pickleball Tournament!
Our two-day event will be inside our domes and is open to the public. This round-robin tournament features doubles for Men & Women, Mixed teams, and a Parent & Child division!
Divisions & Skill Levels:
Womens doubles: 3.0+, 4.0
Mens doubles: 3.0, 3.5, 4.0
Mixed doubles: 3.0+, 4.0
Games will be either to 15 or 11 points, depending on the size of the bracket, with smaller brackets playing longer games. Large brackets may be split into pools followed by a single elimination playoff round for the top teams in each pool. There is a 4 game guarantee per event.
- Registration is $45 per player and includes 1 event.
- Each additional event costs $15
- Children play in the Parent & Child division for free! Email ilakritz@elitetennisandwellness.com *before* registering to receive a discount code for their entry ONLY. Children must be 9-14 years old.
Registered players without partners will be moved to the waiting list after 3 days but will be placed back into the event once their partner registers if there is still room in the bracket and the tournament.
**The Tournament Director reserves the right to combine or split events and/or change the playing format as needed to create playing brackets.**
We look forward to seeing you at our Holiday Tournament!
Additional Information
This is an indoor tournament hosted at our club, Elite Tennis & Wellness.
Refund Policy
There are no refunds.
Venue Details
Elite Tennis and Wellness
14481 Metcalf Ave.
Overland Park, Kansas, 66223
United States
Parking Information
Parking Fee: No Fee
Tournament parking will be available along 146th St between Metcalf and Edgewater. Vehicles can parallel park on either side of the road. Participants may also park on Edgewater.
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