Lysander Park Spring Pickle
Lysander Park Spring Pickle logo
64 players registered
May 21, 2023 - May 21, 2023
Lysander Park Spring Pickle
Tournament Description
Mixed-Doubles, Round-Robin, Single-Elimination Medal Round. All games to 11 win by 1. Advanced and Intermediate Divisions.
Additional Information
When registering for the tourney, you will be registering INDIVIDUALLY. You may then specify who your teammate is, but each teammate must register separately.
Payments will be paid to MuniciPAY:
Refund Policy
Full refund minus $3.00 Administrative Fee will be given up to 4 weeks in advance of the registration closing date; Half refund minus $3.00 Administrative Fee will be given up to 2 weeks in advance of the registration closing date; No refund will be given less than 2 weeks in advance of the registration closing date, or for inclement weather, natural disasters, or acts of nature.
Venue Details
Lysander Park
8439 Smokey Hollow Rd
Baldwinsville, New York, 13027
United States
Parking Information
Parking Fee: No Fee
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