Danny Wuerffel, NCAA Champion, Heisman Trophy Winner, and Pro Pickleball Player
Registration: $60 per player
Your registration includes:
– Admission for tournament or free play
– Event T-shirt
– Goodie bag
– Dinner
All proceeds benefit Oaks Ministries’ programs, empowering students from under-resourced neighborhoods to become Christ-centered leaders.
Tournament Rules
100% of donations will benefit Oaks Ministries’ After-School and Summer Programs
A team must play at the skill level of their highest rated player:
3.0- Mixed doubles, sign up with set partner
3.5- Men and Womens Doubles, sign up with set partner
4.0- Men and Women’s Doubles, sign up with set partner
Players will register with prearranged partner.
Double Elimination with no come around (teams must lose two games before being eliminated from the tournament)
Brackets of 10 or 12 teams: Each match will be rally scoring, game to 15, win by 2
SLK Hybrid+ is the official pickleball used for the tournament
Tournament play begins at 5:45 pm
Medals will be awarded for each division/bracket, awards presented at the completion of each division/bracket after the games have been tabulated.
There are no referees, all matches are self-monitored.