Player Registration
To sign up, a DUPR account is required at the time of registration. No NR players can play in the Championship due to prize money event however, play a dupr match and record a few games to get a dupr rating, then register. All players must join the 40by30 Champions club on DUPR Please click Join the club now.
PLAYERS USE NAME AS LISTED ON YOUR DUPR ACCOUNT- Teams are not confirmed until all 4 players are paid in full- Captains create Team placeholder
When adding your DUPR to registration only use 1 decimal point. I.e 4.6, 3.4. No need to use 4.677 or 3.452
Cancellation Deadline: To receive a refund of less than $5.00, cancellation must be received by the end of the day on Dec 1 2024.
How to Qualify for the Championship
Medal in any 2024 event (1st, 2nd, or 3rd place).
Earn 1200 points as a player or players. To form a team and recruit new players.
Registration opens to all non qualified players and teams Nov 5, 2024. New teams will be waitlisted and refunded if your team is bumped by a qualified team.
View and Recruit Players List
Medalists can create teams with no point requirement, but they must recruit at least one other player they played on a team with or played in the 2024 season.
How to Create a Championship Team
DUPR Rating System: When calculating team/player ratings, use only one number after the decimal (e.g., 4.567 = 4.5).
Team Aggregates:
DUPR 14 and 14 50+: Max team rating = 14.5 (max individual rating = 4.2)
DUPR 16 and 16 50+: Max team rating = 16.5 (max individual rating = 4.6)
DUPR 18: Max team rating = 18.5 (max individual rating = 5.2)
DUPR 20: Max team rating = 20.5 (open division, no pre-qualifications)
DUPR 22: Max team rating = 22.9 (open division, no pre-qualifications, team rating must be 20.51 or higher)
Once a team registers, your ratings are locked.
Read👉 Rules and Policies UPA-A and USAPA APPROVED PADDLES ONLY.
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Paradise is connected to the Embassy Suites Palm Desert. Stay and play
DUPR Divisions: Teams are welcome to play up a division, teams that exceed .50 points will be moved to the next division. DUPR ratings are locked as of the time of registration
DUPR 22 ( Open Pro division)
DUPR 20 (The team’s aggregate DUPR is 18.51 -20.99 )
DUPR 18 (The team’s aggregate DUPR must not exceed 18.50)
DUPR 16 (The team’s aggregate DUPR must not exceed 16.50)
DUPR 14 (The team’s aggregate DUPR must not exceed 14.50)
The SoCal Battle Royale Series is your pathway to the end-of-the-year "Best Of The Best" Championship. All teams and players earn points for this event, get on the leaderboard now. Players with 1,000 pts early automatic invite!
Registration Points: 100
1st place 400 pts
2nd place 300 pts
3rd place 200 pts
4th place 100 pts
MVP 300 pts awarded to the top male/female per division
Partnership opportunities are available!