For Tournament Directors and League Coordinators: DUPR Ratings are now live for tournament and league play!

For Tournament Directors and League Coordinators: DUPR Ratings are now live for tournament and league play!

Today we have released updates to, and that enable a player’s DUPR rating to be used for tournament and league play. We are also providing all tournament and league match data created by matches played today and going forward to DUPR automatically at the completion of the match for future DUPR ratings updates.

As a Tournament Director or League Coordinator, the following are a few things to understand about the DUPR integration:

  1. At your discretion, for tournaments that have been created using the Pickleball Brackets Rating (PBR) or the World Pickleball Rating (WPR) and have started or completed registration, you have the choice to either complete the tournament using these ratings or choose to convert to using the DUPR rating. If you would like to convert your existing tournament to DUPR, click here for a guide on how to complete this conversion.

  2. League sessions that have been created using the Pickleball Brackets Rating (PBR) or the World Pickleball Rating (WPR) and have started or completed registration will complete using these ratings, so no action is required. 

  3. In the case where the PBR or WPR is used for a tournament or a league session, matches where all participants in the match have connected their profile to DUPR will be submitted to DUPR. If any participant in a match has not connected their profile to DUPR, then the match will not be sent to DUPR for ratings processing. In order to provide visibility into when this is the case, we will be providing an indicator next to players in the tournament or a league session who have not connected their profile to DUPR. You will have the ability to run a report on players currently registered that had not connected their account profile to DUPR and the ability to message these players to remind them to complete the connection process.

  4. If you decide to convert your tournament to use players’ DUPR rating, you will need to evaluate if players need to be moved to a different skill level based on their DUPR rating. This will most likely need to be the case when the player’s DUPR rating is higher than the current skill level they are currently registered for.

Continue reading for more information, answers to frequently asked questions and how-to guides.


What if a player in my tournament or league does not currently have a DUPR rating?

You should:

  1. Encourage them to create a free DUPR account by going to

  2. Leave them in their current skill level that they registered for using PBR, WPR, or self rating.

My tournament used a player’s PBR, WPR or self-rating for the registration for mixed doubles, but DUPR doesn’t have a mixed doubles rating. How would this work if I convert my tournament to the DUPR rating?

A player’s DUPR doubles rating will be used. If a player’s DUPR doubles rating is higher than their partner’s DUPR rating, you will need to make a decision on if you will allow them to stay at their currently registered skill level or if you need to move them to the high skill level indicated by the DUPR rating of the higher skilled player.

Does DUPR have a “Skinny Singles” rating?

DUPR does not have a Skinny Singles rating. For tournaments that want to offer this format and use a Skinny Singles rating, the PBR Skinny Singles rating will still be available for use.

Why do all participants in a match have to have connected the account profile to DUPR in order for the match to be processed for DUPR ratings?

In order to use the DUPR API for automatic ratings processing, all participants in a match must have a DUPR ID. The only means we have to know your DUPR ID is for you to connect your account profile to DUPR.

What are you doing to make sure that all players connect their account profile to DUPR in order for all matches to be processed for DUPR ratings?

We will be doing the following:

  • Notifying a player every time they login to, or on their screen that they need to complete the connection of their account profile to DUPR.
  • Providing TDs with tools to identify players who haven’t connected their account profile to DUPR so that they can remind them to do so before their tournament starts.
  • Regularly messaging players who haven’t connected their account profile to DUPR to complete this process.
  • When a new tournament or league is created, we will require that their account profile be connected to DUPR in order to complete their registration.

Why can’t a player’s past matches completed on or be submitted for DUPR ratings processing?

There are a number of reason why we have chosen not to support this at this time, including:

  • As matches in the past age, they have a reduced impact on your rating.
  • Many matches on our platform have already been submitted to DUPR by other means, so there is an increased risk of duplication that would have significantly increased the complexity and duration of the integration for both us and DUPR.

Based on this, we choose to focus on matches from today going forward in order to complete this integration more rapidly. We may, at our discretion, choose to reevaluate this in the future.

How-to Guides

  • Click here to access the “Connect your account profile to DUPR” guide.

  • Click here to access the “Convert your tournament to use DUPR ratings” guide.