Join us for our first annual 10 GRAND MEGA SLAM pickleball tournament! We anticipate a fun weekend of pickleball, food and competition!
All divisions start and finish IN A SINGLE DAY.
Competitive Play
- Divisions for all skill levels
- All teams will play in a double-elimination bracket. Main Draw matches will be 2 out of 3 games to 11 points while all back draw matches will be 1 game to 15 points.
- All teams get two guaranteed matches or a minimum of 3 games.
Pricing: $50 per individual for skill division. $60 per individual for open divisions.
Tournament Schedule
- Men's Doubles 3.0
- Women's Doubles 3.0 (8am Start Time)
- Men's Doubles 3.5 (8am Start Time)
- Women's Doubles 3.5 (8am Start Time)
- Men's Doubles 4.0
- Women's Doubles 4.0 (8am Start Time)
- Men's Doubles 4.5 (11am Start Time)
- Women's Doubles 4.5
- Men's Doubles Open - $2000 purse (11am Start Time)
- Women's Doubles Open - $2000 purse
- Mixed Doubles 3.0
- Mixed Doubles 3.5 (8am Start Time)
- Mixed Doubles 4.0
- Mixed Doubles 4.5
- Mixed Doubles Open - $2000 purse (8am Start Time)
Divisions can start as early as 8am and as late as 6pm. Specific division times will be released 1 week before the event, once registration numbers have been finalized.
Choosing the Correct Skill Division:
- Sign up for the division matching your HIGHER skilled player. For example, if Player A is 3.6 and Player B is 3.9, choose the 4.0 division (3.75 – 4.25).
- The tournament Director WILL adjust teams to ensure fair competition. Please sign up for the correct division to make this easier for us.
- DUPR rating is NOT required. We may reach-out to unrated players to confirm the correct division.