Sixth Annual Grip 'n Rip Tournament - Sanctioned by PCO
Hosted by Surrey Pickleball Club
Friday, September 1 - Sunday, September 3, 2023
Rain-out day: Monday, September 4, 2023
Early Registration for SPC Members: June 30, 2023 starting at 9:00 a.m.
General Public Registration: July 5, 2023 starting at 9:00 a.m.
Registration Closes: August 10, 2023, 9:00 p.m.
Friday, September 1 - Mens Singles & Womens Doubles
Saturday, September 2 - Mixed Doubles
Sunday, September 3 - Womens Singles & Mens Doubles
Our most popular events have three AGE categories (Open Age, 50-59, 60+)
And some events have two AGE categories (Open Age and 60+)
Age is based on age as of December 31, 2023.
Players can play down in Age, and up in Skill.
2.5 & 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0
When registering for a skill level, eg. 4.0 at least one of the players must be rated at the skill level of the event. Eg. a 3.5 playing with a 4.0 player is eligible to play in 4.0. Two 3.5 players cannot play in 4.0.
Exception: Two 2.5 players can play in a 3.0 event
All games - win by 2, no cap
Doubles Events will be Double Elimination, best 2/3 games to 11
Consolation bracket, 1 game to 15
Bronze Medal matches - 1 game to 15
Gold Medal matches - best 2 out of 3 games to 11
1 game to 15, if a fourth game is required to determine the winner
Singles Events will be Round Robin, 1 game to 15
Medal Round
- if one pool, top four players, 1 vs 2 for Gold/Silver, 3 vs 4 for Bronze, 1 game to 15
- if two pools, the top 2 players from each pool advance to the medal round
- Preliminary playoff: A2 vs B1, B2 vs A1, one game to 15
- Winners of preliminary playoff play for Gold/Silver, 1 game to 15
- Losers of preliminary playoff play for Bronze, 1 game to 15
Tournament Director may modify the format depending on registration numbers.
Registration: $65.00 plus $15.00 per event
All registrants must be a Pickleball Canada Member in good standing. Please ensure your Pickleball Canada Membership number and your skill level are up to date in your profile before registering for this tournament. If you are not a Pickleball Canada member, you can become a member at
ONLINE registration only. Registration is not complete until BOTH partners have registered, signed the online waiver, and paid all fees; online payment via STRIPE using a credit card. When the maximum per event is reached based on fully registered/paid teams, others will be added to the waitlist.
All players must complete their registration and submit payment by August 10, 2023, at 9:00 pm, in order to remain on the Active List. Players owing fees will be moved to the Waiting List after registration closes.
Players may enter as a team or look under "Players Needing Partners" to find a partner. If a partner has NOT completed their registration within THREE days of the first partner registering, the team will be automatically MOVED TO THE WAITLIST. When the identified partner registers after the three-day grace period, the team will move from the waitlist back to the active list ONLY if there is a slot available.
In the case of waitlists, in doubles events - teams will take priority over individuals.
COMPLETE registration means: Both partners have registered, signed the waiver, and paid in full.
The Tournament Committee has the right to make changes to the tournament, combine divisions, or change and alter the format depending on the number of registrations received.