IMPORTANAT NOTICE: Registration closing date has been brought forward to the 27th June. Make sure you enter soon.
2021 QPC offers Singles/ Gender Doubles/ Mixed Doubles - OPEN EVENT & SKILL/AGE DIVISIONS
Age divisions on offer - Junior, 18+, 45+, 60+, 70+
Skill divisions on offer - Advanced (3.5 +), Intermediate (2.5 - 3.5), Beginner (2.5 and below)
Singles (24th July): Only 1 event can be entered
Doubles(Gender 24th July & Mixed 25th July): The Open and 1 other skill/age event can be entered for the relevant gender doubles and the mixed doubles - A total of 2 events.
Only one skill/ age event can be entered.
Advice on exact times and dates for events will be released once there is clarification on numbers entering. If you are in more than one event expect to be playing both days.
Saturday timing: 11am - 9pm - Gender Doubles and Singles
Sunday timing: 8am - 9pm - Mixed Doubles