* Anyone only on wait lists will get a full refund if not moved into a bracket
* All new registrations after 1/31/2022 will go on a wait list for that bracket
* When tournament brackets are created mid-February, some teams will be moved off each bracket's respective wait list if there is room
* We will attempt to include all registered teams as courts and time allow
Saturday, March 5, 2022, 8am - 7pm - Men's and Women's Doubles
Sunday, March 6, 2022, 8am - 7pm - Mixed Doubles
14 tournament courts with painted lines and portable nets. 2 pickleball courts for practice and warm-up. The tournament courts were resurfaced and painted in 2020.
This will be a round robin tournament with combinations of skill and age. All games are win by 2 points.
- Registration will be by skill level only.
- Brackets will be grouped by age with 6 to 8 teams per round robin bracket.
- You will be able to play 5 to 7, 15-point games. There will be no medal rounds.
Brackets will be assigned designated courts for the entire bracket. Teams will return to the tournament desk after their bracket has been completed to determine winners and present awards.
- 6 Teams, 3 courts, no team has a bye; 2 courts, 2 teams have a bye each round
- 7 Teams, 3 courts, 1 team has a bye each round
- 8 Teams, 4 courts, no team has a bye each round
Skill levels are: 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5+.
**** USA Pickleball members with an official skill level rating, must register for that level or higher on date of registration.
**** Current Pickleball Bracket ratings will be used first, then UTPR, then self rating. Sand bagging is not ethical; enough said. Please register in your appropriate skill division.
Age groups will be based on registrations. We will assign bracket age groups in February so brackets will be 6 to 8 teams.
**** See Tournament Format on page two of the flyer for more information about this year's age format.
**** Age is calculated as of 12/31/2022.
**** SKILL NOTE: You will see all the skill divisions you are eligible to play in. Pay close attention to the division you are registering for to be sure it's the correct choice. Example: a 3.5 player will see choices: 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5+ because the team can play up in skill level.
**** AGE NOTE: You will NOT see any age divisions. They will be posted after registration is closed and teams will be grouped by age and limited to brackets of 6 to 8 teams (e.g. 62-65.)
A team must play at the skill level of the higher rated player.
For age divisions, a team must play at the age of the younger player.
**** Although registration officially opens on December 1, 2021, early preregistration is available to the 2021 Palatka Azalea tournament players as a thank you for their support. If you have a partner that is not eligible for preregistration, they will have to wait until December 1st to register.
You may register and identify your partner or request "Need partner". Your partner must register within two days of your registration or the team will be moved to the wait list. When the identified partner registers after the two day grace period, the team will automatically move from the wait list back to the active list if there is a slot available and both players have paid. If a player needs a partner, the team will automatically move from the wait list to the active list once a partner is identified, registers, and both players have paid if there is an available slot to move to.
Partners will not be sought or assigned by the tournament, you will have to select your own partner. Players needing a partner will be shown on this website by event.
Matches will not have referees. If one is requested, we will do the best we can to find one.
Tournament format is subject to change as necessary by the Tournament Director.
Player skill levels are subject to adjustment by the Tournament Director based on past performance.