Welcome to the Abbotsford Fall Pickleball Classic
Date: December 13, 14,and 15
Registration opens on October 11, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
Abbotsford Pickleball Club Members, $40.00 plus &15.00 per event until November 30
Early Bird Registration, $50.00 plus $15.00 per event until November 30
Late Registration $60.00 plus $15.00 per event from December 1 to December 6.
Currency is in CDN dollars.
For the Abbotsford Club Member Discount you must be a member before registering.
Women's Doubles, Men's Doubles, and Mixed Doubles
Skill levels in all events will include:
2.5 and under - all ages
2.5 and under - 60 plus
3.0 all ages
3.0 60 plus
3.5 all ages
3.5 60 plus
4.0 to 4.5 all ages
Events may be modified, merged or cancelled at the sole discretion of the tournament Director based on the number of registrants.
Round Robin games to 11, win by 2, followed by single elimination games to 11, win by 2. Metal matches will be games to 15 win by 2.
There is a guarantee of 4 games minimum.
All players must have accounts with Pickleball Brackets. This is free at www.pickleballbrackets.com. Sign up is based first on your pickleball brackets tournament rating or, if you don't have a Pickleball Brackets rating, based on your self rating. For those who have a DUPR rating, but no Pickleball Brackets rating we suggest you may self rate no more than .250 below the DUPR Rating. For example, if your DUPR is 3.749 or less you could self rate as 3.499 (or 3.0 for Pickleball Brackets) but if your DUPR is 3.750 or greater up to 4.249 you could self rate yourself at 3.500 (3.5 for Pickleball Brackets). This is a guideline only.
If all four players in a doubles match have a DUPR account the match results will automatically be submitted to DUPR. If you have not already done so, please set up an account. It is free to do so at www.dupr.com.
Players cannot play down a level.
Players must be at least 14 years of age by the end of 2024.