These three divisions will be played in a bracketed double-elimination format. Games to 11 win by 2. Play to true 2nd. If you lose in the finals the third-place team can challenge you if you haven't played in the previous round.
In the mixed doubles tournament, we will play the same format. However, if you are eliminated, you can enter a new consolation tournament that will be played in the same format. This will be affectionately known as the Gerkin division.
This is a Pickleball Event with a tournament. There will be food games, and entertainment.
Following the tournament featuring The Coconut Cowboy Dan Furmanik. If you are not a player no problem please join us for the Event and Party!
Additional Information
2. Create an account for yourself as a player
3. You will be re-directed to
4. Find the donation tab pay $75.00 plus $5.00 processing and please cover credit card charges.