Celebrate the Super Bowl with Elite Tennis & Wellness at our 2nd Annual PickleBowl!
This three-day tournament is open to the public and takes place between the NFL Conference Championships and Super Bowl!
Events will be offered for Mens and Womens Doubles, Mixed Doubles, Recreational, and Age 50+ divisions.
Round Robin games will be played either to 15 or 11 points, depending on the size of the bracket, with smaller brackets playing longer games. Larger brackets may be split into pools followed by a single elimination playoff round for the top teams in each pool.
-Registration includes 1 event.
-Early Bird Registration runs thru December 31
-General Registration from January 1-29
*Each additional event is $15
Registered players without partners will be moved to the waiting list after 3 days but will be placed back into the event once their partner registers if there is still room in the bracket
Register soon as the number of teams allowed in each division is capped. We look forward to seeing you at our SuperBowl Tournament!