We have hit the daily limits for both days - all players without a partner are moved to the waitlist - any new player may join the waitlist - 8/22/23 8am
***CLOSED*** FULL as of 8/19 930am September 16th - Men's and Women's Doubles
***CLOSED*** FULL as of 8/22 830am September 17th - Mixed Doubles
Welcome to the Livermore Pickleball Tournament at the May Nissen Park
685 Rincon Avenue, Livermore, CA 94551
Franklin X40 Optic Yellow will be used for all levels.
Only one medal will be awarded to winners a day.
Additional Information
Fun Round Robin format WITH playoffs for Gold/Silver/Bronze for skills 3.0-4.5+. Age brackets to be determined by registration but similar to (under 50, 50+). TD may combine brackets as needed to ensure quality play.
Players will self rate and cannot play lower than their USA Pickleball Tournament Player Rating (UTPR). Players may only play up in skill .5 from their profile rating. Tournament Director reserves the right to correct underrated players.
Refund Policy
$10 admin fee for all cancellations
Up to a 50% refund for any weather related cancellations
Venue Details
May Nissen Park
685 Rincon Avenue Livermore, California, 94551 United States