4th Annual David L Nycum Memorial Tournament
4th Annual David L Nycum Memorial Tournament logo
177 players registered
Sep 13, 2024 - Sep 15, 2024
4th Annual David L Nycum Memorial Tournament
Tournament Description
The 4th Annual David L Nycum Memorial Tournament benefits the College Scholarship Program that bears his name. The scholarship (s) are awarded to a deserving graduating High School Junior/Senior YMCA Member or Participant.
The tournament will be a Round Robin format. Medals will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers for each level of play in each division. Tournament T-Shirts are guaranteed if registered by August 28.
Tournament Play is played on hardwood floors.
There will be giveaways and raffles for pickleball equipment during the tournament.
The David L Nycum Tournament is pleased to have Truckin' Food, Tacos Carlitos and Fireside Pizza food trucks available for participants and spectators.
Additional Information
2024 Sponsor Levels
Presenting Sponsorship $2,500
* Recognition as a Presenting Sponsor on all promotional materials
* Sponsorship of event give-away to each participant (name and logo displayed)
* Premium logo and name recognition as a Presenting Sponsor on Tournament Shirt
* Year-long ad on in-house video display
* Ten chances in drawing
Gold Sponsorship $1,000
* Recognition as a Gold Sponsor on all promotional materials
* Name and logo recognition as a Gold Sponsor on Tournament Shirt
* Recognition as a Gold Sponsor on Event Banner and Poster
* Year-long ad on in-house video display
* Seven chances in drawing
Silver Sponsorship $750
*Recognition as a Silver Sponsor on all promotional materials
* Name recognition on Tournament Shirt
* Recognition as a Silver Sponsor on Event Banner and Poster
* Five chances in drawing
Net Sponsorship $500
* Recognition as a Net Sponsor on all nets and promotional materials
* Name recognition on Tournament Shirt
* Recognition as a Net Sponsor on Event Banner and Poster
* Four chances in drawing
Bronze Sponsorship $250
* Recognition as a Bronze Sponsor on all promotional materials
* Name recognition on Tournament Shirt
* Recognition as a Bronze Sponsor on Event Banner and Poster
* Three chances in drawing
Patron $100
*Listed as a Patron on Event Post
* Two Chances in drawing
Refund Policy
Withdrawals before registration closes on September 7, 2024 will incur a $5 processing fee. Pickleballbracket service fees are non-refundable.
No refunds will be issued after registration closes on September 7, 2024.
Venue Details
YMCA of Hagerstown
1100 Eastern Blvd North
Hagerstown, Maryland, 21742
United States
Parking Information
Parking Fee: No Fee
Plenty of Parking around the YMCA
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