* 2024 USA Pickleball Rules will apply.
* Team Age bracket will be determined by the age of the youngest partner. Age as of 12/31/2024.
* Team Skill level will be determined by the highest skill level of the player on the team.
* Players can play down in age and up in skill.
Amatuer events are round-robin, with doubles events playing one game to 15 points, win by 2, and singles events playing one game to 11, win by 2. We will have skill levels of 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, and Open. Age groups will generally be split between 34 and under, 35-49, 50+, and 60+. For information regarding Open events, see below.
Tournament directors reserve the right to combine events either based on skill or age to provide the best overall playing experience, given the circumstances.
Please note that if you are playing in a doubles event and your partner does not register within 20 days of when you register, you will automatically be moved to the waitlist. Your spot in the main event will NOT be saved. If (after you are both registered and paid for the event) there is room in the main event, you will be moved back to the main event. If the event has filled up in the meantime, you will remain on the waitlist until a spot opens up.
Please note that after main draws are seeded and finalized, no partner changes are allowed.
Players must be paid and have a registered and paid partner to be confirmed. Within one month of the event, players not paid and without registered and paid partners will be moved to a wait list if the division in which a spot is being held is filled with fully registered and paid teams.
After registration is closed, any registered player losing a partner must replace that partner with an already registered player. The replacement partner must be in the same skill/age group that you are scheduled to play. Players can play down in age and up in skill. Replacements need to be known and communicated to the registration contact 2 days before you are scheduled to play. Replacements can be found on the players needing partners list.