Legends 7th Annual dink dink BANG!
Legends 7th Annual dink dink BANG! logo
159 players registered
Oct 18, 2024 - Oct 20, 2024
Legends 7th Annual dink dink BANG!
Tournament Description
Announcing Legends' 3rd tournament of 2024, the 7th annual dink dink BANG! Tourney!!!
Date: October 18-20
Location: Dill Dinkers - Finksburg
12 Indoor Courts!
DUPR Rating will be used to create brackets!
PickleballBrackets.com has converted to using DUPR ratings rather than UTPR. DUPR is generally a little higher than UTPR, so you may want to consider playing in the next higher division (for example, the 4.0 bracket will now force high 3.5 UTPR players into the 4.0 bracket IF THEIR DUPR is 4.0 or above).
You must LINK your DUPR to PickleballBrackets.com if you want any of your tournament results to go into DUPR:
Events and Dates:
. Men's Singles
. Women's Singles
. Men and Women Doubles 3.0, 60+
. Men and Women Doubles 70+
. Total Combined Age Men Doubles (85+ years per team) - one player MUST BE 50+ (later in day)
. Total Combined Age Women Doubles (85+ years per team) - one player MUST BE 50+ (later in day)
. All other Men's Doubles
. All other Women's Doubles
. Mixed Doubles
. Total Combined Age Mixed Doubles (85+ years per team) - one player MUST BE 50+ (later in day)
Tourney entry fee varies based on when registration is entered, and ranges from $45-$65 per participant (includes $10 referee fee and $5 facility fee), and $20 per standard event. EarlyBird is just $45 with payment BEFORE August 1. LATE registration is $65, starting October 1.
Approximate division/event category start times will be announced at least 1-2 days in advance
Player sign-in begins 30 minutes before tournament play each day
Open events (recommended for 4.5+ DUPR players) are available for a cost of $70 (prize money awarded for medal winners!). 4.5 events have a cost of $20, and are also payout events for gold medal winners!
NEW!!! The premier sponsorship we received from Schwab Brokerage for this tourney will allow us to pass on DISCOUNTS to ALL GOLD MEDAL winners for any future Legends tournament!
In addition, thanks to the Schwab sponsorship, all 4.5 bracket GOLD MEDALISTS with at least 6 teams will get payouts at no additional cost to players!
We decided not have this tourney be USA Pickleball sanctioned. This means you do not have to have an active USA Pickleball membership (which went way up in cost).
Paddle Information: Based on the results of the tourney player survey, we generally will not allow the Joola TA-15 (same as Joola 3S which USAP already bans) or Gearbox Pro Power (NOT Control) paddles (since many players think these paddles give an unfair advantage, are a significant risk of injury, and simply just not fun to play against). The poll results showed 3 times as many players wanted these paddles banned vs. not. We also had a significant number of players not minding if players used them, so if your opponents for a particular match are ok with you using either paddle, you are allowed.
PickleballBrackets.com has modified their pricing, and is now charging a mandatory, non-refundable SERVICE FEE to participants - $5 for 1 event, $10 for 2 or more events. This fee cannot be refunded under any circumstances.
Team participants must register individually and list team partner in registration
After registration closes, free agents will be matched with similar-skilled players (as available)
Skill level bracket for teams is determined by the DUPR skill level of the higher rated partner
Tournament Director reserves the right to adjust the age and/or skill brackets based on registration
Events may be either Double Elimination or Pool Play depending on what fits best.
Detailed tournament schedule and format details will be on website NLT Wednesday before tournament
Franklin X-40 balls will be used for play
Medals for Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners
Champions in each division also get:
- Legends Gold Pin (and entry into the 2024 Legends Gold Medal Challenge!)
- Pics and Bragging Rights on the Legends website!
Do not leave the event without checking to see if you are in or out of the tournament! This is particularly a problem in POOL PLAY, as there is a software issue related to the NEW rule on how to determine tie-breaking in a 3-team tie situation. The software is currently INCORRECT in how it is calculated, and tournament workers must MANUALLY advance players from POOL PLAY to BRACKET PLAY in this 3-way tie situation. IF YOU LEAVE WITHOUT CHECKING, and you are subsequently ADDED to the bracket, we WILL NOT wait for you to return, but forfeit your match!!! Thank you for understanding.
Tournament Director:
Ron Cortese
Tournament Assistants:
Amy Farabow
Christina Shifflett
Additional Information
We are planning to have a very cool competition at our 7th Annual dink dink BANG! tourney at Dill Dinkers in Finksburg on October 18-20 between all interested pickleball clubs in the area!
We know Legends Pickleball is your favorite club (!), but for fairness, Legends will not be competing as a club. We have the following clubs already participating, with others still potentially interested:
1 Dill Dinkers-Finksburg
2 Dill Dinkers-Manassas
3 Pickleball Club of Tysons
4 Loudoun Pickleball Club
5 GMU Pickleball
6 Village Pickle
7 DC Pickleball League
8 Dill Dinkers-Rockville
9 Dill Dinkers-Bethesda
10 Down the Line
11 Woodbridge Pickleball Club
12 Dill Dinkers-Columbia
13 Grey Gables Pickleball Club
14 Autumnwood-Reston
15 McLean Pickleball Club
If you affiliate with one of these clubs, please reach out to them or us to get the discount code before registering for the tournament. For those already registered, let us know what club you will be playing for and you will get a discount at your next Legends event!
If you don't affiliate with any of these clubs, ask your club to reach out to us to get on the list!
Legends will:
1. Provide a special discount for club members to get $25 off the tourney entry fee
2. Count the gold medals won (across all rating levels) for players who specified a club during registration, and give a monetary donation to the winning club!! (Donation amount will depend on number of clubs/players participating, but hope to have enough for ~$300)
3. Give a trophy to the winning club for bragging rights
Refund Policy
Cancellations will be accepted up to September 18, subject to a $25 handling charge. No refunds after that date for any reason.
Prize Money
We can have a maximum of 13 Open Events $$$ Prizes if enough players/teams per division:
. Men's Doubles (any age)
. Men's Doubles 50+
. Men's Singles (any age)
. Men's Singles 50+
. Men's Doubles Combined TOTAL AGE (85+)
. Women's Doubles (any age)
. Women's Doubles 50+
. Women's Singles (any age)
. Women's Singles 35+
. Women's Doubles Combined TOTAL AGE (85+)
. Mixed Doubles (any age)
. Mixed Doubles 50+
. Mixed Doubles Combined AGE TOTAL (85+)
Cost for all Open events is $70
Prize money based on number of players/teams ... all $ except the $20 bracket fee goes to the pool payout!
Payout split is:
. Gold - 60%
. Silver - 25%
. Bronze - 15%
If a 4.5 division is merged with an Open division, the 4.5 division players cannot win Open prize money unless they decide BEFORE THE BRACKET Starts, to pay the Open Division fee of $70 vs. the 4.5 Division fee of $20. Open prize money will be calculated from the number of Open registrants times $50. Given the Schwab sponsorshp as described earlier, the top 4.5 team will receive a payout if 6 4.5 teams are in the combined pool.
Venue Details
Dill Dinkers-Finksburg
2950 Dede Road
Finksburg, Maryland, 21048
United States
Parking Information
Parking Fee: No Fee
Show More
This is an indoor event!
Health & Safety
Please make sure you warm up and cool down appropriately, hydrate and eat properly for this tournament!
Title Sponsor
Charles Schwab logo
6.0 logo
AirFeet logo
Franklin logo
Legends logo
Paddletek logo
Pklmart logo