Ball colour. We will be using both yellow and orange Franklin X-26 balls that are supplied to us.
Medals will be awarded to gold, silver and bronze winning competitors for each bracket.
The tournament director reserves the right to:
- review, and possibly alter the rating of players who self-rate below or above their actual rating.
- move players and teams between skill level brackets if on verification the wrong event has been entered.
- merge or split brackets based on event registration. Any event with fewer than 4 entries will be combined with another event of closest possible standard.
- change start times to facilitate smooth running of the tournament
- The tournament director reserves the right to modify the events and/or schedule as needed pending influences beyond our control.
A registration is considered complete when the Team is complete. BOTH players must register for the entry to be complete. If you do not have a partner, you can look under 'Players Needing Partners' to find a partner. (Click on the large button next to the logo on the Home page of the tournament website). It is the entrant's responsibility to use this facility to find themselves a partner if they cannot enter with a friend. We will do our best to help you find a partner also
All participants must be members of Pickleball Australia. Anyone who is a member of their state.
Begin each game by acknowledging the other players and introducing yourself if you don't know them.
If the ball is out and it's on your side, call it out. Never make calls for your opponent's side of the court.
Never make calls for your opponent’s side of the court.
Never ask for nor accept line calls from spectators.
Good sportsmanship is the key.
At the end of each game, meet at the net, clink paddles and say "good game." Never leave a game without acknowledging the other team.
Never criticize opponents nor your partner's play
Don't offer criticism or advice, unless asked.
Abusive language is not allowed. Verbal comments of any detrimental nature during a game is unacceptable.
Compliment people on outstanding shots or on a really great game.
Call the score out – loudly and clearly – before you serve.