Welcome to the 1st Annual Rotary Club of Sandy Spring Pickleball Madness Tournament in Sandy Springs, GA. The tournament will be played at the Sandy Springs Tennis Center located at 500 Abernathy Road, Sandy Springs, GA 30328.
Registration fee is $55 and includes one event with a minimum of two matches. There will be food and non-alcoholic beverages provided by the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs during the matches.
Some of the proceeds from the tournament will go to our Club's continued support of our Vision To Learn Project. Vision To Learn provides Fulton County students with vision screenings and prescription glasses for students in need. Prescription eyeglasses will be delivered within two weeks and lost/broken glasses will be replaced free of charge within a year. By providing low-income children with the glasses, they need will improve the quality of their education, and the quality of their lives. Children who need glasses and don’t have them are more likely to be misdiagnosed with behavioral issues in kindergarten, be considered “slow” learners by 5th grade, and to drop out of high school.
The schedule is as follows:
1) Tournament will be from 12:00 through 4:00 on June 17, 2023. Specific start times will be posted and emailed or texted to players approximately June 15.
Tournament is Round Robin Coed Double Blind Draw. Each match will be to 11 and must win by 1 point. Skill level 2.0 and up. No team registration. Where possible, individuals will be paired based on their skill level. As registration proceeds, tournament management reserves the option to combine brackets as needed if brackets do not fill. If brackets are combined to create playable brackets, awards may be based on the original division and not the combined bracket.
Acrylic Awards will be presented as follows:
1) Male Category:
a) Highest Point Total
b) Second Highest Point Total
c) Third Highest Point Total
2) Female Category:
a) Highest Point Total
b) Second Highest Point Total
c) Third Highest Point Total