100% of the profits will be donated to the Union United Methodist Church "Snack Pack Program" to aid in their fight against hungry children.
A team must play at the skill level of their highest rated player!!!
A team must play at the skill level of their highest rated player!!!
This event will be held on Saturday, March 1st at Union United Methodist Church - Indoor Gym
Registration fee is $35. per person which includes your one event (plus a $5. PB Bracket fee).
Events are as follows (A Maximum of 7 teams per bracket):
2.5 – Mixed doubles, sign up with set partner, All Ages, 9:00 AM
3.0 – Mixed doubles, sign up with set partner, All Ages, 12:00 PM
3.5 – Mixed doubles, sign up with set partner, All Ages, 3:00 PM
Players will sign up with a prearranged partner. Your team will play one match against every other team in your bracket (round robin).
Brackets of 6 or 7 teams: Each match will be one game to 11, win by 2. Medals will be determined by round robin results with no playoffs. (Each bracket receives medals)
***As registration proceeds, tournament management reserves the option to combine brackets as needed if brackets do not fill.***
You may register and identify your partner or request "Need Partner".
Your partner must register within five days of your registration, or the team will be moved to the wait list.
When the identified partner registers after the five-day grace period, the team will automatically move from the wait list back to the active list *if* there is a slot available and both partners of the team have paid.
If a player needs a partner, the team will automatically move from the wait list to the active list once a partner is identified, registers, and both players have paid *if* there is an available slot to move to.
Your spot in the tournament is not guaranteed until you and your partner have registered, and all fees have been paid in full.
Medals will be awarded for each division/bracket, awards presented at the completion of each division/bracket after the games have been tabulated. *** There will be no playoff games***
There are no referees, all matches are self-monitored, No Exceptions.
The ball used will be the Onix Fuse, color orange