Thank YOU for choosing the Cinco de Pickle TEAM Tournament!
2 Groups –
Combined DUPR score 15-17 will play at 8:00am and
Combined DUPR score 17-19 will begin play around 1:30pm
12 team event: There will be 3 pools of 4 teams (3 matches), followed by top 2 teams per bracket entering a single elimination playoff to determine the Winners. Bottom 2 teams also play in a separate consolation bracket (2 matches) with consolation winner awarded. Each player is guaranteed 8 games. PRIZE MONEY- First Pace finishers in each division will win $75 per person!
MLP-style rally scoring will be used, and a Dreambreaker will occur in the event of a 2-2 tie. Games will be to 21, win by 2. Scoring freeze for any team that reaches 20 so that once a team reaches 20, they may only score on their serve, while the opponents are still rally scoring. The cap on scoring is 25. At 24-24, there will be a sudden death and the next point will win 25-24. One timeout per team per game, and on the end change. Change ends at 11. Teammates can change positions during end changes and time outs. Same rules apply to Dreambreakers, where each player plays 4 rally points then the next player rotates in.
Full rules and teams/pools will be emailed after the close of registration.
BALL – We will use Selkirk balls