TOURNAMENT INFORMATION: This is an invitational private event, if you have questions, click on the ‘Contact Tourney’ button above.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 32 players, 16 men & 16 women
TEAMS: 8 teams of 4 players will compete
2 - 5pm Oxford Pickleball matches
3:30 - 6:30pm NCRC matches
Specific match times and locations for each pool will be posted
LENGTH: 2 consecutive Saturday afternoons, March 5th and March 12th
DATES: Feb 19th, The Draft takes place and the teams are formed ***no matches played***
Saturday, March 5th each team’s doubles matches will take place
Saturday, March 12th each team’s mixed doubles matches will take place
Full Round Robin
Games to 11, win by 1
Each team will be allowed 1, 1-minute timeout per match
Teams will change sides at 6 points without delay
Week #1
Men's doubles teams will compete at Oxford Pickleball, 2-5pm
Women's doubles teams will compete at New Canaan Racquet Club 3:30-6:30pm
Week #2
POOL 1 of the mixed doubles teams will compete at Oxford Pickleball, 2-5pm
POOL 2 of the mixed doubles teams will compete at New Canaan Racquet Club 3:30-6:30pm
DRAFT FORMAT INFO: Team names will be created in advance. The 16 male players will be ranked and the 16 female players will be ranked by skill level. The Snake Draft format will be used to create 8 teams of 4 players distributing the skill level among the teams. Each team of 4 will have 2 male and 2 female players. Teams may not have more than 2 players representing the same club. These matches do not count towards your PickleballBrackets.com rating.
Matches with scores will viewable on the website. Points will be awarded separately to teams for matches won. Points will be totaled for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams for the event.
COST: $65 per player
All players must have an account on PickleballBrackets.com . The matches will not count towards your PB Brackets rating. Each player will be required to TEMPORARILY list their MinorLP team name in their PB Brackets account as part of their profile. The team name will display in the tournament listing and this is the only way to see how your team is doing in this league.