Branford Spring Fling
Branford Spring Fling logo
43 players registered
May 04, 2024 - May 04, 2024
Branford Spring Fling
Tournament Description
Welcome to the second annual Branford Pickleball tournament/fundraising event. The proceeds go to adding amenities, for the Branford Pickleball community. All brackets will be a round robin format with a 3 game minimum. If there are not enough teams in the group, brackets will be combined by level and/or age.
Events on May 4th.
Men's Doubles
Women's Doubles
Mixed Doubles
Men's singles
Additional Information
In the event of inclement weather all matches will attempt to be completed on the same day after the weather clears. In the event of unplayable courts, the event will be held the following weekend. If both weekends are rained out or canceled, no refunds will be given, as this is a fundraiser.
Refund Policy
Withdrawals and refunds before registration closes will be subject to a $15 administrative fee.
No refunds will be given after registration closes.
Venue Details
Foote Memorial Park
12 Melrose Avenue
Branford, Connecticut, 6406
United States
Parking Information
Parking Fee: No Fee
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