NEW DATE! March 8, 2025 - SAGUARO SLAM FUN Pickleball Tournament Fundraiser for the Salvation Army. ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT TUCSON SALVATION ARMY AMPHI CORPS.
MIXED ONLY ROUND ROBIN Pickleball Tournament (NOT SANCTIONED). Scores will be reported to DUPR, if players choose.
Players may play in skill level events at, or 1.0 above, their current DUPR, UTPR or initial self-rating at the time of registration. Your rating will be checked by the Tournament Director prior to the tournament.
March 8, 2025 - Saturday - Mixed Doubles ONLY
This skill/age Round Robin tournament will play all events in a round robin format.
The initial age brackets are 19-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, & 70+ . ***Juniors 14 and up may play in 19+ events. Additional age brackets may be added based on registrations.*** Based on entries, divisions may need to be combined within skills and age groups. Example 3.0/3.5 19-49, 4.0/4.5 50-69 etc. However, all age brackets will medal individually, if combined.
3 teams are a double round robin 1-15 win by 2 switch ends at 8 - all teams to playoffs.
4 to 9 teams are pool dependent games either 1-11 win by 2 switch at 6 or 1-15 win by 2 switch at 8. The top two teams from each pool move forward to the playoffs.
10 or more teams are split into pools. The matches depend on the number of teams (see above). Only the top two from each pool move forward.
Tournament Director reserves the right to combine or split events, or close events when courts are at capacity even if an event is not full, and change format based on enrollment.
TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Suzanne Remington, AZ Pickleball Chick