Tournament Director reserves right to modify skill brackets of registrants. We want this to be a great experience for all participants, and we want to avoid large skill gaps in competition.
Cost per individual is $20, second event is $15.
Players will receive entry into the Fiesta Mexicana festival.
Late registration after 9:00PM, August 12th. Final Registration Cutoff: August 14, 12PM.
All players must sign waiver prior to playing. Waivers will be available at the event.
Events will be round robin with finals round. Minimum 3 matches.
Scoring: Round robin matches will be sideout scoring, first to 15 points, win by 1, switch sides at 8. Final rounds will be player's choice: 1 game to 15, win by 2; or best 2 out of 3 to 11, win by 2.
Tournament Director reserves the right to modify event formats as needed depending on registrations.