The Good Sam Grand Slam is an inaugural pickleball tournament benefiting the Good Samaritan Clinic and the Greenwood High School Boys Soccer Team.
The Good Samaritan Clinic is a local 501c3 nonprofit charitable medical clinic that provides healthcare to the uninsured and underserved in our region. Good Sam has been providing quality, compassionate community care for our neighbors in need since 2003. The Clinic is located at 1400 S. Zero Street in Fort Smith.
The tournament has a two-part fundraising component where proceeds will benefit both the Good Samaritan Clinic, as well as the Greenwood High School Boys Soccer team, to assist them with equipment, meals, travel and all things necessary for the boys to have an amazing season.
Planned skill divisions:
2.5-2.99 (beginner/novice)
3.0-3.49 (low intermediate)
3.5-3.99 (upper intermediate)
4.0+ (advanced, advanced+)
Saturday October 12: Men's Doubles and Women's Doubles
Sunday October 13: Mixed Doubles
Brackets will be separated by age (0-49 and 50+), and skill level. Brackets with too few entries may be combined by age and/or skill at the discretion of the tournament director(s). Brackets generally will need to have a minimum of 5 teams to not be combined.
Format: Brackets will be Round Robin games to 15 win by 2. Some brackets will have single elimination round after the round robin to determine medal winners. The tournament director reserves the right to change this format if needed.
Each day will start at 8 am, exact start times for each bracket will be posted before tournament start date.