Greystone Open

Greystone Open
• Completed - 322 players
322 players registered
Nov 13, 2021 - Nov 14, 2021
Tournament Description
Welcome to the first indoor event of the 2021 True North Pickleball Tour - The Greystone Open! We are very excited to host you at Ontario's premier indoor pickleball facility. This tournament will be run by IFP rules with medal matches refereed wherever possible.
This will be a skill/age event broken into 3.0-, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5+ skill levels and 16+, 35+, 50+, 65+ age levels. Where necessary events will be combined, skill will be combined before age. The format will be pool round robins followed by a medal round. You will be guaranteed at least 3 matches in each event.
All participants must provide proof of having received both covid vaccination shots, the second shot must have been received prior to October 30, 2021.
Your spot is not guaranteed in your event until both partners are registered and paid in full.
Refund Policy
Refunds available up till November 8, all refunds, for any reason are subject to a $10 administration fee. No refunds after that date for any reason.