This is a tournament to benefit the HLR dog shelter. Dogs will be on-site for adoption!
Team entries* may be two HLR residents, a resident and a non-resident, or two non-residents. [*Players may sign up without a partner and check the box "Need a partner" -- others will inquire about teaming up.]
Non-residents of HLR are invited to register and play in our tournament but are encouraged to signup with players seeking partners (HLR residents who are registered) or register without a partner and check "I Need Partner." Teams of non-residents may register but will be placed on a "wait list," pending registration of HLR residents. Wait-list teams will be notified on Sept 22 of bracket placement with information on how to access HLR's security gate.
Brackets will be Men's, Women's and Mixed Doubles, with divisions by skill-level: 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5-plus. (Self-rated. See DUPR or USSP ratings descriptions.) No divisions by age.
Format is round-robin, games to 15, win by 2, with no medal round. Standard tie-breakers for final standings. Tournament ball will be Franklin X-40.