III Official Pickleball Tournament International
Official Regulations
1. Registration
1.1. Participants
The tournament welcomes players of all ages and skill levels. However, for those players
registered on the DUPR platform, participation will be accepted only if their rating does not
exceed 5.5.
It is not required to be a registered member of any pickleball association or federation to
The skill level categories are 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 and 5.0 Players should enter the
category that best reflects their skill level and age.
Registrations will be made exclusively through the Pickleball Brackets platform.
The information required will include personal data, skill level, age category and game mode.
The responsibility of providing accurate contact information during registration rests with
players, thereby facilitating official tournament communication.
After completing the corresponding payment, each player will receive an e-mail confirming
the registration in the tournament.
1.2. Categories
The tournament categories are divided according to the skill level and age (Pickleball Years)
of the players.
o Skill Level
● 3.0
● 3.5
● 4.0
● 4.5
● 5.0
o Categories by Age (Pickleball Years*)
- Over 50 years (+50)
- Open Category: Without age restrictions, allowing the participation of players of all
Each player must select a skill level category and an age category during the registration
process. Players are urged to carefully review the available categories and select the one that
best suits their level and preference.
*Pickleball Years: Refers to the method used by the tournament software to calculate the
age of the players. This method considers the age that the player will be in the year of the
tournament. For example, if a player is 25 years old and will turn 26 during the year of the
tournament, the software will consider the player to be 26 years old even though he or she
has not yet turned 26. If the player has already turned 25 during the same tournament year,
his or her age in the software will be 25. This system is used to ensure uniformity in the
determination of players' ages during the tournament.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to adjust the categories as necessary to
ensure fair and equitable competition.
1.3. Registration Fees
The registration fee varies according to three sales stages, each with its own validity date:
Stages From To Tickets USD
1° Pre-sale March 25th June 30th Early Pickle Phase 40.00
2° Pre-sale July 1st September 15th Mid Pickle Rush 50.00
Last Sale September 15th September 22nd Last Call Pickle Party 60.00
Each registration fee corresponds to a selected game mode. Game modes include:
- Men's Singles
- Women's Singles
- Mixed Doubles
- Men's Doubles
- Women's Doubles
Players can register in a maximum of 3 game modes, as long as they meet the specific
eligibility requirements for each format. Additionally, each player can only participate in one
game mode per day, except the 50+. They can play 2 events per day, one event in Open and one event in 50+.
Tournament Day Tournament Game Modes
Wednesday Men's Singles and Women's Singles
Thursday Men's Doubles and Women's Doubles
Friday Mixed Doubles
Adding an additional game mode at the time of registration has an extra cost of 25 USD. For
example, if a player chooses Men's Singles and then decides to add Mixed Doubles, they will
need to pay the corresponding entry fee plus 25 USD.
To facilitate registration in doubles, the 'Need a Partner' option is offered in the registration
form through the Pickleball Brackets software. Players who select this option will be included
in a shared list with other players who are also looking for a playing partner for the
Each player will be responsible for contacting potential teammates on this list. In the event
that players are unable to find a partner for the tournament, no refunds of the entry fee will
be made.
The registration fee does not cover additional expenses such as food, transport, or
2. Rules of Behavior
2.1. Sportsmanship
All players are expected to always maintain a high standard of sportsmanship during the
tournament. Respect for other players, referees and spectators is essential to creating a
healthy and friendly competitive environment.
The use of offensive language, unsportsmanlike attitudes and any form of inappropriate
behavior is prohibited.
Cheating, in any form, will not be tolerated and may result in expulsion from the tournament.
Any dispute during play must be respectfully communicated to the designated referee or
Tournament Director, whose decisions are final and must be accepted without discussion.
Sportsmanship and team spirit are fundamental aspects of our tournament, and all players
are expected to contribute to maintaining a positive and fair environment.
Failure to comply with good sportsmanship may result in penalties and possible expulsion
from the tournament.
2.2. Apparel
Player apparel must be appropriate and consistent with the sporting nature of pickleball. It
should not match the colors of the official ball to avoid visibility difficulties.
The use of appropriate sports shoes is mandatory during all tournament matches to ensure
the safety of the players and the integrity of the playing surface.
The use of apparel with brands and sponsorships is allowed, as long as it complies with the
regulations established by the Organizing Committee. The apparel must not have elements
that are offensive, cause discomfort or represent a risk to the safety of the players or their
Players are responsible for ensuring that their apparel meets the above standards, and
failure to comply with these rules may result in warnings or penalizations. The Organizing
Committee reserves the right to take additional measures in cases of repeated violations of
the apparel regulations.
2.3. Liability for Damages and Risks
Players will be fully responsible for any material or personal damage caused during their
participation in the tournament.
Failure to comply with the instructions established in the tournament regulations, as well as
any unsportsmanlike conduct or rule violation, may result in expulsion from the tournament
and the assumption of corresponding legal responsibilities.
Participation in the tournament carries certain inherent risks that may result in minor or
serious injuries. These risks include, but are not limited to, bruises, sprains, dehydration, eye
injuries, joint or back injuries, heat stroke, heart attacks, concussions, paralysis, and even
death, among others. It is strongly recommended that all players have an appropriate
insurance policy to cover these risks. This recommendation applies to both Peruvian and
international players participating in the tournament.
Players agree to follow the instructions of the Organizing Committee and to behave
respectfully in all tournament facilities. Negligence or irresponsible behavior can lead to
penalties and legal action.
3. General Regulations
3.1. Date and Location
The tournament will take place at the National Sports Village (VIDENA), located in San Luis,
Lima. The tournament dates will run from October 23rd to October 25th. Each day of
competition will begin at 07:30 a.m.
The Organizing Committee is committed to offering the necessary information so that players
can optimally plan and enjoy their tournament experience.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to modify the date and location of the
tournament for logistical reasons or unforeseen events. Any change will be promptly
communicated to all players for their knowledge and proper coordination.
3.2. Tournament Format
Double elimination and round robin will be used in the tournament. The format will be
determined by the number of registered players. All matches will be 1 game to 11 or 15, win
by 2, using rally scoring.
To determine first and second place, the match will be played best 2 out of 3 games to 11,
win by 2, using regular Pickleball scoring.
Regarding the match for third place, the match will be played 1 game to 15,
win by 2, using regular Pickleball scoring.
3.3. Awards
The awards ceremony will take place at the end of each game mode. It is a special moment
celebrating player achievements and strengthening sportsmanship within the pickleball
community. Medals will be awarded to the champions, second and third places, as well as
surprise awards.
4. Rules of the Game
4.1. Equipment
In order to ensure fair and competitive play, players are required to use USA Pickleball
approved paddles.
The official tournament balls will be provided by the Organizing Committee.
Any player whose equipment does not comply with the regulations may be required to make
the necessary corrections before starting their match. Players are strongly recommended to
carry spare paddles and grips.
The Organizing Committee is committed to providing an equitable and quality playing
environment, ensuring that all equipment meets the necessary requirements to maintain
integrity and fairness in the III Official Pickleball Tournament International.
4.2. Score
The Organizing Committee will provide detailed information on the scoring rules before the
start of the tournament. A pre-tournament technical meeting will be held to clarify any
questions regarding scoring and specific game rules. All players are expected to
understand and follow the established rules to ensure a fair and exciting tournament.
4.3. Referees
Most matches will have referees, or court officials designated by the tournament
organization. Referees will call and keep the score as well as ensure compliance with the
rules and make impartial decisions in the event of a rules dispute. Court officials will have no
further responsibility than score marking and score dispute resolution during matches.
5. Contact
For any additional questions or clarifications, do not hesitate to contact the Organizing
Committee of the III Official Pickleball Tournament International:
- E-mail: customerservice@pickleballperu.org.pe
- Phone: +51 949 322 668
It is important to note that the Organizing Committee reserves the right to add new guidelines
or modify the current regulations in situations that require it. Any changes will be
communicated to all players in a timely manner, ensuring full transparency in the process
and the opportunity for all players to be fully informed.