All Brackets will be Round Robin
All players or teams will play each other. Matches will be 2/3 games to 11. The winner is determined based on the number of matches won. If two or more teams are tied:
1st tie-breaker: head-to-head matches won.
2nd tie-breaker: point differential of all games played. (e.g., Team A won Match 1 11-8, 11-4, so they would have a point differential of +10. Team A then wins the second match 11-9, 2-11, 11-6. For this round, they would have a point differential of -2. This would give them a total for the day of +8.) 12.C.3.c.
3rd tie-breaker: head-to-head point differential.
4th tie-breaker: point differential against next-highest team. (e.g., If the teams are tied for second, use point differentials against the first-place team.)
** Tournament director retains the right to change the format to maintain a great player experience.