Jumbo's InDINKpendence Day Tournament
Jumbos Pickleball, 16340 NW Bethany Court, Beaverton Oregon, 97006
Jumbo's InDINKpendence day tournament.
Mixed Doubles tournament 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 divisions
Open to members and non-members both. Waitlisted players will be given top priority to be added to the tournament.
Tournament format determined by number of registered players per division. Most likely this will be in a round robin format. Playoffs & prizes for Gold/Silver/Bronze finishers for skills 3.0-4.5+ . We may combine brackets as needed to ensure quality play.
Use your USA Pickleball Tournament Player Rating (UTPR) as the guide for self-rating. Players cannot play lower than their rating. Players may only play up in skill .5 from their profile rating. Tournament Director reserves the right to correct underrated players.
Using the Selkirk Pro1 ball for all matches.
REGISTRATION: Payment is required to register – Registration $45 + $15/event through June 30th, 2024.
Thursday July 4th- First Match start time will be 10:30am
1st Place: Jumbos Waterbottle
2nd Place: Jumbos Merch
3rd Place: Drink Voucher
Additional Information
Round Robin (most likely) with playoffs for Gold/Silver/Bronze. All games/matches are win by 2. Round Robins are 1 to 15 but may change based on the number of players in the event. Top 4 teams go to the playoff (Lead in matches are 1 to 15 with the Gold Match with the option of 2/3-11w/2 or 1 to 15. Bronze Match 1 to 15. We may combine brackets as needed to ensure quality play. Tournament may close at any time if maximum daily numbers are met (even if some events appear to have openings)
$10 Admin fee minimum for all withdrawals
No refunds after close of registration
Refund Policy
$10 Admin fee minimum for all withdrawals
No refunds after close of registration
Venue Information
Jumbos Pickleball,16340 NW Bethany Court, Beaverton Oregon, 97006
Surface Type: Pickleball Hardcourt Surface
Play Area Type: Indoor
Net Type: Portable
Ball Used: Selkirk Pro S1 Pickleball
Number of Courts: 9
Parking: No Fee
Parking will limited, Please Carpool.
Officiated Type:None
Max Events per Registration:1
Cost Includes:0 Events
Guaranteed Games per Event:5
Allow Pets:No
Allow Food:No
Allow Grill:No
Allow Dish to Pass:No