Life Time Frontenac is proud to be hosting one of Life Time’s third Pickleball Classic tournaments! Taking place at over 80 locations with thousands of players nationwide, the Life Time Pickleball Classic is an excellent opportunity to put your skills to the test while ultimately having a ton of fun.
Additional Information
IMPORTANT REGISTRATION INFORMATION! You will need to enter your Life Time membership number on your pickleballbrackets profile.
To add your member number, login, go into your profile, scroll down to Section 6 (Association Numbers) and enter their number where it says Life Time, then click save.
Refund Policy
Refunds will be given to those who withdraw before registration closes on April 1st at 5:00pm. Any other refunds will be based on the Tournament Director’s discretion.
Venue Details
Life Time Frontenac
2051 South Lindbergh Blvd Frontenac, Missouri, 63131 United States