To participate, you must create a Pickleballbrackets account and select an appropriate self-rating. If you need guidance on how to choose the correct rating, please refer to the descriptions provided below for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.
Your self-rating ensures that you are registered in the correct skill level for fair and competitive play. Please note the following:
You cannot register for a skill level below your self-rating. For example, if you self-rate as 3.5, you cannot register for levels 3.0 or below. You can register for a higher skill level, but not lower.
Beginners (2.5 and below rating): Able to serve “in” more regularly, Knows the two bounce rule and demonstrates it most times, Is mastering keeping score, and Knows fundamental rules and can keep score.
Intermediate (2.5-3.5 rating): able to demonstrate beginners level and plus Demonstrates more strategies of playing during games, Works better with partners in communicating, covering court, moving to net, With varying consistency executes: lobs, forehand/backhand ground strokes, overheads, net volleys, and sustained dinking, Starting to use drop shots in order to get to the net, Has a moderate number of unforced errors.
Advanced (3.5 and above): able to demonstrate beginners and intermediate level and plus Beginning to play more consistently in all phases of the game, Works and moves well with partner – easily switches court positions when required, Very comfortable playing at the non-volley zone. Works with partner to control the line, keeping opponents back and driving them off line, Has good footwork and moves laterally, backward and forward with ease, Hits a low number of unforced errors per game.