The registration fee is $55, $10 for each amateur events, $40 for each Open/Pro events.
Men's and Women's Doubles - Saturday, March 25, 2023 All Day Starting at 8:00 AM
Mixed Doubles - Sunday, March 26, 2023 All Day Starting at 8:00 AM
All participants will receive a tournament t-shirt, please provide size at registration
Bracket Formats:
4 teams - Round Robin games to 15, win by 2, double round. No playoff
5-8 teams - Round Robin, games to 11 win by 1, playoff
9+ Teams- Two Pools Round Robin, all team playoff
Open- Round Robin, games to 11 win by 1, all team playoff, game to 11 win by 2, medal games to 15 win by 2
This is a Skill Level/Age Group Tournament. Registration is by skill level.
For doubles and mixed doubles, you must sign up at the skill level of the higher rated partner. Players with a rating must use that rating. Players with no rating may self rate. Skill levels are determined at the time of the tournament.
The tournament reserves the right to move players and teams between skill level brackets.