Facilities onsite
Free onsite Parking
Water fountains
Live Streaming
Live video and audio of matches will be recorded and broadcast online. Recording equipment
at matches may record your image, voice and other identifying features. Please observe
appropriate standards of behaviour, conduct and language in or around the live streaming
devices, whose presence will be marked by signage at the match.
By proceeding to attending or participating in this tournament, you are consenting to the
recording and use of the information more publicly, as described.
The tournament director reserves the right to:
- review, and possibly alter the rating of players who self-rate below or above their actual ability.
- move players and teams between skill level brackets if on verification the wrong event has been entered.
- merge or split brackets based on event registration. Any event with fewer than 4 entries will be combined with another event of closest possible standard.
- change start times to facilitate smooth running of the tournament
- The tournament director reserves the right to modify the events and/or schedule as needed pending influences beyond our control (ie. Fire drill, weather delays etc).