This tournament will follow all USA Pickleball Rules. Referees are on duty and will be assigned to various matches by the head referee.
Lunch Available - Save money and order in advance! The Pickleball Factory will be serving a lunch box which includes a wrap (choice of buffalo, club, Caesar, or veggie), chips and a cookie. $15/per lunch box.
Players may only play in one event (bracket) per day.
A player's registration is not complete until all registration fees have been paid.
A team's registration is not complete until both players are registered and registration fees paid.
A limit may be placed on brackets and may fluctuate.
When will official start times be posted? - Approximately 1-2 days following the close of registration, bracket start times will be posted. It is important to note that factors outside of the control of the tournament staff may impact actual court times (matches that last beyond typical times, weather delays, etc).
When will I specifically play? - Once your bracket officially starts, games will be assigned as courts become available.
How do I know where I am playing? - You must have texting enabled on your Pickleball Brackets account. This is the ONLY way you will be notified. Please note that you may forfeit your match if you do not arrive at the court at assigned times.
Where do I find my bracket? - Sign in to the Pickleball Brackets system and chose your event from the page.
How do I know who is playing on which court? - If a team is assigned to a court, then you will see that court assignment number in a blue box next to the teams.
I need to withdraw from the tournament, can you “swap” my registration for someone else? - Funds/Registration may NOT be “swapped” or transferred. If a substitute is allowed they must register and pay all applicable tournament fees.
Where will results be posted? - Results will be posted on Pickleball Brackets and any additional rating system with which Pickleball Brackets has an agreement. Check the Pickleball brackets website for additional information.