USSP Format is Age/Skill (5-year breaks) - no membership is required, but if you have your USSP membership number in your profile, you will get a $10 Refund.
Instructions for adding your membership number to your profile -
All USSP events played (Age/Skill) / All under 50 events played (Skill/Age)
Friday - Women's Doubles / Men's Singles (full-court)
Saturday - Mixed Doubles
Sunday - Men's Doubles / Women's Singles (full-court)
Pricing increase as we approach the tournament, so sign up early to capture the best pricing. Payment is required at registration.
$55 + $15/event February/March
Beginning April 1st, pricing increases to $65 + $15/event
After deadline (May 28) any new registrations will be $75 +event fee
Indoor/Outdoor tournament on tennis surface. (8 permanent indoor courts / 8 permanent outdoor courts)