Before registering for this tournament:
1. You must have a current PAA membership through your state pickleball association e.g. PANSW.
2. You must have a profile on Pickleball
• This is a small tournament with registration limited to 150 competitors, so we recommend that you register early. If the event you want to compete in is already full, you will be placed on the WaitList. This does not mean that you will not be able to compete. It means that we will try to accommodate your registration as places become available. You will be automatically notified if/when you are removed from the WaitList.
• If not registering at the same time as your partner you have 4 days for them to register before you are placed on the WaitList.
• If you do not have a partner, you can look under 'Players Needing Partners' to find a partner.
• When registrations are closed, any event with insufficient numbers for a competition will be collapsed and combined with another event. Competitors in the collapsed event will be notified so they can decide if they still want to play.
• Participants are required to enter events at their current skill rating. If you are not rated, consult the self rating guide which can be downloaded from the top of this page.
• At a minimum, referees will be scheduled on the gold medal match.
The balls being used at the tournament are Franklin X26 indoor balls in lime green.
Competitors are required to select clothing that is other than lime green in colour (according to the International Pickleball rules) so there is no confusion seeing the ball.
Discount rates for players are available at the Ballina Colonial Motel (ph: 6686 7691) . This is an easy (10 minute walk) of the playing venue. Please phone direct for booking and quote the code 'Pickleball Tournament'