NOT'lanta Open

NOT'lanta Open
• Completed - 168 players
168 players registered
May 14, 2021 - May 16, 2021
Tournament Description
Bracket Times- Please report at least 30 min prior to start for check in
FRIDAY (Women's Doubles & Men's Singles):
WDS 3.0 - 7:30AM
WDS 3.5 - 10:30AM
WDS 4.0/4.5 - 2:00
Men's Singles - 1:30
SATURDAY (Mixed Doubles):
MXDS 3.0 - 7:30
MXDS 3.5 - 11:00
MXDS 4.0 - 2:30
MXDS 4.5 - 2:30
SUNDAY (Men's Doubles, Women's Singles & Novice):
Novice - 8:00
MDS 3.0 - 7:30
MDS 3.5 - 11:00
MDS 4.0 - 2:30
MDS 4.5 - 2:30
Women's Singles - 5:00
Initial Information:
Welcome to the 2nd annual NOT'lanta Open: The Montclair Championships in Augusta, Georgia. The inaugural event was birthed last year when the Atlanta Open was cancelled due to covid. Many who had planned to attend the Atlanta Open decided to plan our own smaller event, hence the name, NOT'lanta Open. The Montclair courts offered the ideal outdoor location where we could play safely and offer sanitation and social distancing practices. Immediately following the successful event, we decided to make it an annual affair!
Montclair Pickleball is a private neighborhood venue in West Augusta. We are resurfacing and adding courts in April. In time for the tournament, we will have 6 permanent courts and 2 temporary courts (portable nets).
Registration fee is $40 plus $10 for each event.
Friday, May 14 - Women's Doubles, Men's Singles, Social
Saturday, May 15 - Mixed Doubles
Sunday, May 16 - Men's Doubles, Women's Singles
Format is Round Robin. Your team will play one match against every other team in your bracket. Max of 8 teams per bracket.
Brackets of 5 or more teams: Each match will be one game to 15, win by 2.
Brackets of 3 or 4 teams: Each match will be 2 out of 3 games to 11, win by 2.
Brackets will be assigned designated courts for the entire bracket. Teams will return to the tournament desk after their bracket is complete for presentation of awards.
Brackets will be limited to 8 teams. As registration proceeds, tournament management reserves the option to combine brackets as needed if brackets do not fill.
If brackets are combined to create playable brackets, awards will be based on the original division and not the combined bracket. Brackets will be combined by age if possible to avoid combining skills.
Skills levels include 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5+.
Age groups are 16+, 60+.
A team must play at the skill level of the higher rated player (or higher) and the age group of the younger player.
You may register and identify your partner or request "Need partner". Your partner must register within five days of your registration or the team will be moved to the wait list. When the identified partner registers after the five day grace period, the team will automatically move from the wait list back to the active list if there is a slot available and both teams have paid. If a player needs a partner, the team will automatically move from the wait list to the active list once a partner is identified, registers, and both players have paid if there is an available slot to move to. NOTE: Your spot in the tournament is not guaranteed until your partner has registered and all fees have been paid in full.
There are no referees. Matches are self-monitored. If a referee is requested, we will do our best to provide one.
Additional Information
** All start times (to be posted later) are subject to change and events might be merged or split based on event registration.
** Tournament format is subject to change as necessary by the Tournament Director. Player skill levels are subject to adjustment based on past performance.
** If you (and your partner) are registered & paid by April 19th, you will receive a shirt (included in the registration fee).
** Registration deadline is May 9, 11:45PM.
** Registration and payment is online through this website only. There are no paper registrations or same day registrations at the tournament. Payment is made through the PayPal portal. You do not have to have a PayPal account and can pay as a PayPal guest, using a bank card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express).
** Covid considerations: Masks are appreciated when not in play on the courts. Spectators are allowed. Please bring a chair for seating in the park surrounding the courts. There is ample space for social distancing. No spectators allowed inside court enclosure.
** Water and snacks will be provided by the tournament for players. Remember to bring your own chairs and sunscreen. Tents for shade are also permitted.
** Friday night tournament social, "HOT OUTTA ATL": Open Play, El Rey Food Truck (cash or card), music, door prizes. Coolers welcome.
Refund Policy
Withdrawal deadline is May 8, 2021. No refunds for any reason after that date. Withdrawal prior to that date are subject to a $10 administration fee.
We will make every effort to complete events in spite of inclement weather. But if events are cancelled due to weather, there will be no refunds. Tournament Director reserves the right to change format, shorten games or make other changes that may help complete an event.