The Spring Paddles at the Plex tournament host 24 covered, individually fenced, lighted courts.
Registration is $70 which includes a lunch food voucher and a tournament gift. Each event is $5.00. Age brackets over 55 will play on Tuesday -Thursday (February 27-29). Age brackets below 55 will play Friday - Sunday (March 1 - 3). There is a $10.00 discount available for Opelika Pickleball Club members. An "Early Bird" discount of $5.00 is available if registration is received and paid prior to January 15.
Age brackets are 19+, 30+, 40+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+ and 70+. You may sign up for below 55 or above 55 in an event, but not both for the same event. The planned format is round robin for brackets of 7 teams or less without medal playoffs. Eight teams or more will be double elimination. Depending on the number of teams in a bracket, the tournament director reserves the right to adjust the format. Small brackets may be combined, however medals will be awarded for players in all original brackets.
Singles during the 55 and above days (Tuesday and Thursday) will be skinny singles. Singles during the under 55 days (Friday and Sunday) will be full court singles. You may not register for both. You may play down in age. So, if you are over 55 but want to play full court singles, you can. Just sign up for 50+ (on Friday and Sunday).
Days may fill before some brackets, which could cause brackets to close based on the daily limit not the bracket size. Sign up early and complete payment for the entire team. Completed teams (both partners registered and paid) have priority on available slots. Teams not paid in full or without partners may be moved to waiting list to make room for paid teams.
All registered players will have member privileges at the Opelika Sportsplex during the tournament.
There will be food trucks available for lunch.
No pets / dogs allowed in the pavilions.
Stripe/Credit Card