PB4ALL Spring Classic, May 1-4, 2025 at Finley Park, Santa Rosa
We are delighted to once again present an all-age, fully sanctioned, high-quality pickleball tournament to meet the demand from competitive players in our area—another successful event will again demonstrate the need for a permanent, large-scale, dedicated public Pickleball complex in Santa Rosa.
We look forward to your support for this tournament.
The event now falls under Adam's new brand, PB4ALL Pickleball. We encourage you to connect with our new Facebook group
facebook.com/groups/pb4allpickleball. Also, please check out our Website and add yourself to the PB4ALL mailing list at:
PB4ALLPickleball.com. Updates will be posted there.
The tournament will again be held at Finley Park in Santa Rosa, and will include brackets divided by skill and age, for Womens and Mens Doubles, and Mixed Doubles. and both Regular and Mini (Skinny) Singles. This is a prize-money event for the top-level brackets, a chance to test your competitive skills for players at all levels and is also intended to give a first tournament experience to those new to tournament play.
Registration ($79) begins February 1, 2025 at 8am, and runs through April 17, 2025 until 11:55pm.
Event Fee is $25 per registered event.
Registration and event fees are per player.
A team is not considered fully registered until both players are registered and fully paid. Teams that are not full may be moved to the waitlist at any time dependent on registration demand for individual events.
Please note that PickleballTournaments.com charges an additional $5 non-refundable service fee per event with a $10 cap. This fee is outside of our control.
USA Pickleball Membership (Champion level) valid through May 4, 2025, is required to participate in this tournament per sanctioning rules.
You can sign up for membership at
USA Pickleball.
You must also connect your USA Pickleball membership to your account in this Tournament Registration Pickleball.com software:
Login to
PickleballTournaments.com account | at top right: click on your name, and select My Profile | then click on Edit Profile | then click the Association Memberships tab | then Add Membership, then select USA Pickleball from the drop-down list, after which you’ll be prompted to put your Member Number in (it may take 1-2 days to synch if you have just joined USA Pickleball).
DUPR Ratings:
We are using DUPR Ratings in PickleballTournaments.com for tournament registration and seeding.
You must have a DUPR account and rating to register! Tournament match results will be entered into DUPR. www.dupr.comDUPR Resources/How-To links:
Connect your account with your Pickleball.com account:
How-To-Connect-Pickleball-com-with-DUPRIf you are having difficulties integrating DUPR, please
consult this FAQ before proceeding.
If you have any further questions, just let us know and we will be happy to help!
The format and bracket arrangements will be similar to our Spring 2024 event.
However, here are the significant changes this year:
Double-dipping is not allowed: we will remove players who have registered for two separate gender doubles events, even if it’s with different partners. (Both team registrations will be moved to wait list pending you notifying us which event is your preference.) Our goal is to allow as many people as possible to participate given the limited court capacity. You can still play a gender doubles event, a singles event, and a mixed doubles event in this tournament.We are adding Senior Open (50+) events in Mens, Womens, and Mixed Doubles. Please note, per the above, you cannot enter WD 4.5 55+ or MD 4.5 50+ as well as one of the Senior Open gender doubles events.To facilitate more participation from the area’s strongest players we are putting all the high-level Open gender doubles events on Sunday.Initially, events will display in broad skill categories. The Event list may have brackets with age breakdowns where clearly anticipated, but more will definitely come later to follow demand.
Please understand that we list a bracket as, for instance, Mens 50+ initially, rather than predetermine age division breakdowns ... in order that player demand can drive whether that bracket needs to be split 50-54, 55-64, 65+, or perhaps 50-59, 60-69, 70+, or 50-64, 65+ or any possible permutation based on the level of interest. Be aware that we only have 12 courts and will do our best to accommodate as many players that want to play as we can.
Wait lists: We have provisional waitlist caps on many brackets as a way to retain space for all ages and skills until we see exactly what the demand is during registration. ***If you see a waitlist for an event you want to sign up for, please do go ahead and sign up!*** Your date and time of registration will be logged and given priority when we get into the fine details of seeing how many teams we can accommodate for each bracket within our overall daily capacity.
Bracket Sizes
• 1-3 registered teams - Combined with another bracket(s)
• 4-5 registered teams - Round Robin leading to medal rounds: 2/3 to 11 or 1 to 15 based on circumstances (ex. time, weather, age)
• 6+ registered teams - Traditional double-elimination bracket (matches are 2/3 to 11) with a come-around bracket (matches are 1 to 15)
Please note: For Round-Robin events, there will be a play-off where the top two teams/players will have a Gold Medal match, while the third and fourth-placed teams/players will play for Bronze. Please stay around for the play-off matches: Pool play is not the end of the bracket!
Daily Schedule
Indicated here so players know which days brackets will take place. This is NOT a final list of age divisions: brackets will be split up later based on demand.
Thursday (all brackets start at or after 12pm)
Womens Doubles 2.5 Age 55+
Womens Doubles 3.0 Age 55+
Womens Doubles 3.5 Age 55+
Womens Doubles 4.0 Age 55+
Mens Doubles 3.0 Age 50+
Mens Doubles 3.5 Age 50+
Mens Doubles 4.0 Age 50+
Mens Doubles 4.5 Age 50+
Womens Doubles 2.5 Age 8-54
Womens Doubles 3.0 Age 8-54
Womens Doubles 3.5 Age 8-54
Womens Doubles 4.0 Age 8-54
Womens Doubles 4.5
Mens Singles 3.0
Mens Singles 3.5
Mens Singles 4.0
Mens Singles 4.5/5.0+
Mens Skinny Singles 3.0/3.5
Mixed Doubles 3.0
Mixed Doubles 3.5
Mixed Doubles 4.0
Mixed Doubles 4.5
Mixed Doubles 5.0+/OPEN
Mixed Doubles 5.0+/SENIOR OPEN Age 50+
Mens Doubles 3.0 Age 8-49
Mens Doubles 3.5 Age 8-49
Mens Doubles 4.0 Age 8-49
Mens Doubles 4.5 Age 8-49
Mens Doubles 5.0+/OPEN
Mens Doubles 5.0+/SENIOR OPEN Age 50+
Womens Singles
Womens Skinny Singles 2.5/3.0
Womens Skinny Singles 3.5/4.0
Women's Doubles 5.0+/OPEN
Women's Doubles 5.0+/SENIOR OPEN Age 50+
A player may only play in ONE event per day.
For brackets with a defined age range, at least one player in the partnership must meet the age range. (i.e. You can play down in age if you have a younger partner that fits in the age bracket.)
Start Times:
Please note: Bracket start time scheduling takes place in the week or so prior to the tournament, when we as organizers have a clearer sense of team numbers in each bracket and therefore which brackets have to start when. As soon as the schedule is ready, we will email all participants. For planning purposes, players should assume their bracket could start as early as 12pm on Thursday / 8am Friday thru Sunday, or have an afternoon start, and that their continued progress in a bracket could make for a full day! (Don't schedule yourself to do anything else on a tournament day!)
Our "Open" events are intended for our highest level players with a rating of 5.0 and above and will be set as the minimum rating for registration into these events. 4.5-level players may be accommodated if space allows.
We reserve the right to move teams down from any bracket if their DUPR rating(s) are more than 0.5 lower than registered.
Brackets will be broken up or combined based on registration numbers.
Tournament directors reserve the right to modify formats as needed based on registrations. This includes the unlikely, but possible, removal of medal matches in round-robins due to darkness or other adverse scheduling factors (so play every match to win!).
Please note that a waitlisted team is not considered ready to be moved into the live event when an opening occurs unless the team has both partners registered. The tournament software generates an email to the player(s) when a team is moved from the waitlist to the live event. Once a team has been moved from the waitlist into the live event, the team will be given 48 hours to complete payment of the associated registration / event fees to hold their spot. If payment is not received the team may be moved back to the waitlist and the next team in line will be moved into the live event. The Tournament Director also reserves the right to determine the best fit for each bracket when moving waitlisted teams into newly open spots.
Once again, this will be a fully sanctioned tournament, with referees for every match, and this time around we will have the highest proportion to date of fully-certified referees officiating the tournament.
All USA Pickleball Rules will apply:
USAP Rulebook. Please verify in advance that your Paddle is on the
USA Pickleball Approved Paddle List. This is a requirement for sanctioned tournaments.
Head Referee: Andrea Mayorga
Referee Coordinator: Somchai Moy
Interested referees should sign up at
Tournament Director: Adam MacKinnon
PB4ALL Pickeball LLC, 'Advance with Adam' Pickleball Coaching