Updated Weekend Schedule
ALL Men's and Women's Singles will be played Friday Afternoon starting at 3:00pm
Practice courts will be available on Friday on a first come basis from 6pm-9pm . Please make an effort to share courts if necessary to ensure everyone gets a chance.
All Women's Doubles Matches will start at 1:00 pm ( All Women's Dubs Divisions)
Courts are available for warm up sat morning anytime prior to start time.
Men's Doubles Matches
3.5 -50+ will start at 1:00 pm
4.0 All ages will start at 1:00 pm
3.5 Under 50 will start at 4:00 pm
4.5 All ages will start at 4:00pm
ALL Mixed Doubles All Divisions -Matches will start at 10am
Courts are available for warm up Sunday morning anytime prior to start time.
Also practice courts will be available Saturday evening /late afternoon after Saturday matches conclude
Each division will play a round robin format. all matches will be one game to 15 win by 2. ( switch side when one team reaches 8 points.
Divisions with 9 teams or fewer will play a round robin against each of the other teams. Medals determined by RR results.
Divisions with 10 teams or more will be divided into 2 pools with the top 2 teams in each pool advancing to the medal rounds. ( medal rounds will be one game to 15 win by 2.)
Men's and Women's singles all divisions will be played FRIDAY at 3:00pm
Women's doubles all divisions will be played SATURDAY-1:00pm
Men's doubles will be played SATURDAY -
3.5 50+ 1:00 pm
4.0 all ages 1:00 pm
3.5 Under 50 4:00pm
4.5 4:00pm
Mixed doubles all divisions will be played SUNDAY-10:00am