NEW EVENT ADDED - 3.0 at 8 am.
We will make every effort to accommodate everyone that has to go 'wait list'.
Your cost to participate is comprised of 3 segments.
First - an overhead fee of $5 – collected on behalf of Pickleball
Second – A charge by the facility that is hosting the event.
*** Make sure you sign up with the CLUB you intend to play at or with - not every Club has registered yet.
*** If signing up to play at the North Shore Winter Club, please note that $20 of your registration fee will be donated directly to PADS from the NSWC.
*** The North Shore Winter Club fee per event (you can only sign up for one) is $45.00
Third – an opportunity to donate funds to the benefit of the PADS group. PADS is a registered charity, funded solely by donations. As a registered society your donation amounts will net you a CRA Tax receipt. Please be generous.
Each Club will have their events (they may have more than one depending on how they organize the day). Look for your Club name and additional information as you proceed through the registration system.
As part of the process you will be asked if you wish to donate - please be generous. There is no 'write in' amount provision but you may choose several of the options provided.
Registration via this system will close March 31 at midnight PST.
We are not the only fundraising avenue – PADS are ‘beating the bushes’ of their usual donors in support of this joint venture as well.