Each Bracket provides about 3 hours of playing time (3 matches, which is a range of 6-9 games). Playing times vary so please check the correct age/skill bracket that you would like to play in to know what time the bracket will begin. You are encouraged to show up at least 1 hour early to warm up and also attend the orientation prior to beginning.
Games are played to 11 points, each player/team must win by 2 points, and each match is won in the best out of 3 games. The number of games won will determine the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners per bracket. If there is a tie on the number of games won, then the biggest point differential will determine the tie break.
Brackets are formed with 4 players/teams per bracket. You are guaranteed at least 3 scheduled matches whether you win or lose. Play the other 3 teams in your bracket
Brackets of 4 players/teams will be created based on your ratings. 3 matches will be scheduled for each bracket. These brackets provide about 3 hours of playing time.
Refund Policy
Withdrawals may be requested up until seven (7) days before the tournament. Refunds may be granted if you withdraw at least seven (7) days before the tournament date. If you are withdrawn from the tournament by the tournament administration or director prior to the tournament, you may receive a refund not to include transaction fees which are about 7.5%.
Venue Details
PIKLBAL in San Juan Hills
29211 Stallion Ridge San Juan Capistrano, California, 92675 United States
Parking Information
Parking Fee: Yes
Plenty of free parking, clean bathrooms, and lots of family fun.