PPA Tour: The Showcase
PPA Tour: The Showcase logo
Aug 25, 2025 - Aug 31, 2025
PPA Tour: The Showcase
Registration opens
Mar 30, 2025
8:00 PST
Registration ends
Aug 21, 2025
5:00 PST
Registration Cost
$ 85.00
Price changes to USD 95.00 on Jul 21st
Click here for fee schedule
Fontainebleau Las Vegas
2777 Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, NV, 89109
Tournament Description
Play Where the Pros Play
Amateur matches will be played alongside Championship Court where the top professionals in the world compete for the biggest payouts in the sport of pickleball.
Click on the Events Link above for a full description of each event.
Watch the World's Best Pickleball
The PPA Tour has exclusive contracts with the top professional pickleball players in the world, including #1 female, Anna Leigh Waters, and #1 male, Ben Johns.
A two-day 3.0/4.0 PPA Tour Camp is available on August 26th and August 27th from 8:00 am - 11:00 am each day. Cost: $400/per person.
Cost Includes:
- 6 hours of total instruction from PPA Professionals
- 1 courtside ticket for a day of your choice
- Pickleball Central offer of 20% off apparel and 10% off paddles at the tournament
Due to limited space, travel expenses, and court booking fees we have a strict refund and cancellation policy. You may request to cancel your spot in this camp for a full refund 30+ days before the date and time of the event. Cancellations between 15-30 days before the camp will receive a 50% refund. Cancellation requests made 14 days or less before the camp date/time will not receive a refund. When you register for a camp, you agree to these terms.
Sign up HERE to round out your PPA experience with fun events, such as Round Robins and Kings Court play.
Sign up HERE to referee pros, open and amateur players.
Sign up HERE to volunteer for this amazing event.
Additional Information
Amateur Format for Skill/Age Events
Skill Levels 5.0 & 4.5 will play the Double Elimination with No Come-Around format outlined below.
All other skill levels with events of more than 12 teams (or more than 12 players for singles) will also play the following format:
Double Elimination with No Come-Around (i.e. if a team loses a match, the best they can do from there is win Bronze and cannot come around for a chance to win Gold).
Main Draw: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
Consolation: 1 game to 15, win by 2
Bronze Medal Match: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
Gold Medal Match: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
Skill Levels 4.0, 3.5 & 3.0 with 12 teams (12 players for singles) or less will play the following format:
Round Robin with Playoffs:
4 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
5 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
6 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
7 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
8 teams: 2 pools of 4. Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams from each pool.
9 teams: 1 pool of 4, 1 pool of 5. Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams from each pool.
10 teams: 2 pools of 5. Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top two teams from each pool.
11 teams: 1 pool of 5, 1 pool of 6. Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top two teams from each pool.
12 teams: 2 pools of 6. Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top two teams from each pool.
13+ teams: Double Elimination with No Come-Around
Pool Play: 1 game to 15, win by 2
Playoffs: 1 game to 15, win by 2
Bronze Medal Match: 1 game to 15, win by 2
Gold Medal Match: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
*Events to be combined if there are less than 4 teams in Doubles or less than 4 players in Singles. Tournament organizers possess the right to combine events based on either skill or age to provide the best overall playing experience, given the circumstances.
*5.0 & 4.5 skill level events with less than 6 teams in Doubles or less than 6 players in Singles will play a Round Robin format with no playoffs. Game format will depend on the number of registered players/teams in each division.
*Brackets/Pools seeded by DUPR Rating.
The event has the right to shorten match formats if weather poses scheduling delays.
Please note that if you are playing in a doubles event and your partner does not register within 7 days of when you register, you will automatically be moved to the waitlist. Your spot in the main event will NOT be saved. If (after you are both registered and paid for the event) there is room in the main event, you will be moved back to the main event. If the event has filled up in the meantime, you will remain on the waitlist until a spot opens up.
Junior Format
Junior PPA events with 8 teams or more (8+ players for singles) will play the following format:
Double Elimination with No Come-Around (i.e. if a team loses a match, the best they can do from there is win Bronze and cannot come around for a chance to win Gold).
Main Draw: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
Consolation: 1 game to 15, win by 2
Bronze Medal Match: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
Junior PPA events with less than 8 teams (less than 8 players for singles) will play the following format:
Round Robin
3 teams: Double Round Robin (1 game to 15, win by 2), no Playoffs.
4 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
5 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
6 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
7 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
8+ teams: Double Elimination with No Come-Around
Pool Play: 1 game to 15, win by 2
Playoff Seeding determined by Matches Won, followed by Point Differential tiebreaker
Bronze Medal Match: 1 game to 15, win by 2
Gold Medal Match: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
*Events may be combined or canceled if there are less than 3 teams in Doubles or less than 4 players in Singles. Tournament organizers possess the right to combine events to provide the best overall playing experience, given the circumstances.
*Brackets/Pools seeded by DUPR.
Senior Open Format
Double Elimination with no come around (i.e. if a team loses a match the best they can do is bronze. They cannot come around to win the gold).
* Main Draw: Matches consist of a best of 3 game format with each game to 11, win by 2 points.
* Consolation: Each match consists of one game to 15, win by two points except for the final match which determines 3rd place.
* Events with 5 teams or less for doubles and 4 players or less for singles will play a Round Robin format. Winners will be determined by matches won, head-to-head, and point differential.
The event has the right to shorten match formats if weather poses scheduling delays.
Please note that if you are playing in a doubles event and your partner does not register within 7 days of when you register, you will automatically be moved to the waitlist. Your spot in the main event will NOT be saved. If (after you are both registered and paid for the event) there is room in the main event, you will be moved back to the main event. If the event has filled up in the meantime, you will remain on the waitlist until a spot opens up.
Pro Format
ALL qualifying rounds will take place on Monday, August 25h. PPA Contracted Pro Players with Gold Card status will receive an automatic bid into the main draw for singles events. PPA Contracted Pro Player teams where both players have Gold Card status will receive an automatic bid into the main draw for Doubles events. A detailed Main Draw Selection and Seeding Process can be found HERE. All other players will sign up in the qualifier for each event.
Once registration closes, the size of each main draw will be determined, based on the number of automatic bids for each main pro event. Players will be notified the Wednesday following the pro registration deadline whether they are in the main draw or remain in the qualifier event. Some events may not have qualifiers, if there are not enough players to warrant qualifying rounds.
Eligibility for Qualifiers:
Players ranked outside the PPA Tour Top 50 in a certain category (Singles, Doubles, Mixed) are eligible to enter the Qualifiers in that category.
Players ranked within the Top 50 in a certain category (Singles, Doubles, Mixed) are NOT eligible to participate in the Qualifiers in that category.
PPA Contracted Pro Players with Gold Card status are NOT eligible to participate in any Qualifiers.
Pathway for Top 50 Players:
Once a player achieves a PPA Tour Top 50 ranking, they become eligible to sign a Touring Professional Player Agreement (TPPA) with our organization.
Players who sign the TPPA and remain in good standing will receive automatic entry into the main draw and will not need to participate in the Qualifiers.
Qualifier Format
Single Elimination 2/3 games to 11 win by 2. Qualifier rounds for all events will not overlap with each other, so players may partake in multiple qualifying pro events.
There is NO PPA Points Draw for any Pro Qualifier Event.
Main Draw Format
Single Elimination 2/3 games to 11 win by 2.
Monday - Qualifier Rounds for ALL Pro Events (schedule TBD)
Tuesday- Main Draw Round of 64 for ALL Pro Events (schedule TBD)
Wednesday – Main Draw Round of 32 for ALL Pro Events (schedule TBD)
Thursday – Main Draw Round of 16 for ALL Pro Events (schedule TBD)
Friday – Main Draw Quarter Finals for ALL Pro Events (schedule TBD)
Saturday- Main Draw Semi Finals for ALL Pro Events (schedule TBD)
Sunday – Gold and Bronze medal matches for ALL Pro Events (schedule TBD)
There is NO Bonus or Back Draw for any Pro Event.
Gold Medal Matches are 3/5 win by 2 for doubles and 2/3 win by 2 for singles.
Bronze Medal Matches are 2/3 win by 2 for all events.
* Official Ball: Vulcan VPro Flight Outdoor
Please note that if you are playing in a doubles event and your partner does not register within 7 days of when you register, you will automatically be moved to the waitlist. Your spot in the main event will NOT be saved. If (after you are both registered and paid for the event) there is room in the main event, you will be moved back to the main event. If the event has filled up in the meantime, you will remain on the waitlist until a spot opens up.
Please note that after main draws are seeded and finalized, no partner changes are allowed. For qualifiers, partner changes are allowed until 6 pm the day before the qualifier event.
Players must be paid and have a registered and paid partner to be confirmed. Players not paid and without registered and paid partners will be moved to a wait list if the division in which a spot is being held is filled with fully registered and paid teams.
After registration is closed, any registered player losing a partner must replace that partner with an already registered player. The replacement partner must be in the same skill/age group that you are scheduled to play. Players can play down in age and up in skill. Replacements need to be known and communicated to the registration contact by 6pm the day before you are scheduled to play. Replacements can be found on the players needing partners list.
- This is a coed bracket - both male and female players will be accepted, based on their rating at the time of registration. A player's individual rating must be 6.0 and under.
- Play will consist of both gender and mixed doubles in one bracket.
- Partner required at time of registration.
- Partner has 36 hours to register or the team will be moved to the wait list.
- No contracted PPA Pro players.
-If you are playing in a Pro event (contracted players excluded), you may also play in the MoneyBall event. However, if your pro event or qualifier event takes place on the same day as the MoneyBall event, you must choose one or the other. You may select a partner replacement for the MoneyBall event until 6 pm the day before the event.
You may not play in any other event of any kind the same day as the Moneyball.
- Senior Pro, Junior Pro and Amateur players are welcome (as long as they meet the criteria above).
- Registration fee - $75 per person.
- Registration is limited to 16 teams.
- Format: Double Elimination, 2/3 games to 11 win by two. Loser's bracket: games 1-15 win by two. There is no come around from the loser's bracket.
- There will be a waiting list - when someone withdraws, a team on the waiting list will take their place. If a team withdrawal happens after 6 pm the day before the event, no waitlisted teams will be moved to the main event.
-Partner replacements are allowed until 6 pm the day before the event.
- 1st place - $600
- 2nd place - $400
Refund Policy
July 28, 2025 - CANCELLATION DEADLINE (for refunds minus a $25 withdrawal fee)
No refunds for any reason after the CANCELLATION DEADLINE ABOVE unless the Registration & Weather Insurance Policy has been purchased prior to the CANCELLATION DEADLINE ABOVE. The last day to purchase the Registration & Weather Insurance Policy is on July 28, 2025.
If you withdraw before the CANCELLATION DEADLINE ABOVE, you will be issued a full refund (with a $25 processing fee deducted) without the need to purchase Registration Insurance.
During registration you may choose to purchase the Registration and Weather Insurance Policy in the event you have to cancel out of the event after the CANCELLATION DEADLINE ABOVE. See the policy for specific coverage details. The insurance will also cover your event fee in case your event is cancelled due to weather without a make-up day option.
Prize Money
Prize money details available upon request at finance@ppatour.com
Venue Details
Fontainebleau Las Vegas
2777 Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89109
United States
Parking Information
Parking Fee: Yes
FONTAINEBLEAU PARKING OPTIONS Self Parking Fontainebleau Las Vegas offers complimentary self-parking for all registered Hotel Guests included in the resort fee, subject to availability. Self-parking is included in the resort fee for hotel guests for the duration of their stay and all guests receive up to four hours of complimentary self-parking. Self-parking will be $20 for over four hours and up to 24 hours. Should I enter through the North or South Entrance? If you are checking in, we recommend using the North Entrance. If you are coming to an event, we recommend using the South Entrance. For more information, please visit the Fontainebleau website: https://www.fontainebleaulasvegas.com/information/parking-travel/ Fontainebleau Las VegasFontainebleau Las Vegas Travel - Fontainebleau Las Vegas Located on the north end of the Las Vegas Strip, Fontainebleau Las Vegas offers a prime location close to all the action when you travel.
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Travel information
Car rental
Hertz Car Rental
, Nevada
PPA events are outdoor events. If weather or any other unforeseen circumstance occurs the PPA will do all it can to play matches. If brackets are in mid play when a weather or unforeseen circumstance occurs the situation will be evaluated on a case by case basis to determine if the bracket may be finished or if winners may be determined.
July 28, 2025 - CANCELLATION DEADLINE (for refunds minus a $25 withdrawal fee)
If you withdraw before the CANCELLATION DEADLINE ABOVE, you will be issued a full refund (with a $25 processing fee deducted) without the need to purchase Registration Insurance.
During registration you may choose to purchase the Registration and Weather Insurance Policy in the event you have to cancel out of the event after the CANCELLATION DEADLINE ABOVE. See the policy for specific coverage details. The insurance will also cover your event fee in the case your event is cancelled due to weather without a make-up day option.
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