The 2024 Barton Commercial Property ACT Pickleball Championships

The 2024 Barton Commercial Property ACT Pickleball Championships
• Completed - 311 players
311 players registered
Nov 22, 2024 - Nov 24, 2024
The 2024 Barton Commercial Property ACT Pickleball Championships

The 2024 Barton Commercial Property ACT Pickleball Championships
• Completed - 311 players
Nov 22, 2024 - Nov 24, 2024
Tournament Description
Welcome to the 2024 Barton Commercial Property ACT Pickleball Championships!
Running from 22 November to 24 November in Canberra, this is an event for all players from beginner to advanced.
Canberrans know the weather can be warm in November and the Championships will be held at the Pickledome with 22 covered courts to keep you out of the sun and any windy weather with capacity for 400 players!
For Australian Ranking players, this is an AR Tier 2 Tournament.
The 2024 Barton Commercial Property ACT Pickleball Championships offers Gender Skinny Singles, Gender Singles, Gender Doubles, Mixed Doubles, Hybrid Doubles and Para Doubles including Open Singles and Doubles Events.
1 x gender doubles event
1 x mixed doubles event OR 1 x para doubles event
1 x hybrid event (pairing a player with a disability with a player without a disability)
1 x gender singles (note, will be held before or after skinny singles, same day. Can play both if you are game!)
1 x gender skinny singles (note, will be held before or after full singles, same day. Can play both if you are game!)
This event will commence 8am on Friday 22 November and finish Sunday 24 November.
Only one partner can "play-down" in younger age bracket. So if you are playing with a younger partner, you can play in their age group.
Advice on exact times and dates for events will be released in the days leading up to the event.
This tournament will use the current Global Pickleball Federation Official Rules 2024. They can be found at:
Additional Information
There will be food vans at the venue offering food, beverages and COFFEE!! Chisholm Shopping Centre is a 5 minute walk with cafes, restaurants and a licensed club. Erindale is 10 minutes drive with multiple food outlets and restaurants.
We will be working with accommodation partners to provide accommodation discount, details will be added to this site ASAP. Email us through Tourney registration page to register your interest.
The area is well serviced by ACTION buses.
There is parking available around the facility and two minutes walk across the foot bridge at Chisholm Shopping Centre.
Pickleball ACT will be donating $5 per registration to Roundabout Canberra. Roundabout Canberra works with over 500 social workers and support workers from over 100 social service and community organisations in Canberra and surrounding regions to distribute essential baby and children’s items to families in need.
- To register you will need to create a free Pickleball Brackets login and profile. Your profile must contain your contact number, email & PAA ID number.
- This event is open to all members of Pickleball Australia (Canberra residents can register through Pickleball ACT). Membership must be current at time of event.
- Opens: Friday 6 September 2024 at 8am
- Registration Closes: Friday 8 November 2024 at 6pm.
- The registration fee is $75 (GST inc). The fee covers registration plus one event. There is a $10 fee for an additional event.
- Qualifying games will be a round robin format and finals will be elimination. Pool games scoring will be either to 15 or 11, win by 2. If necessary, some matches will be scored to 21, win by 2.
- Medal matches will be best out of three games to 11, win by 2.
- Players are guaranteed a minimum of three games.
- Franklin X-40 Outdoor Balls will be used, in lime green (no lime green shoes/paddles).
- Medals will be awarded to Gold, Silver and Bronze for each bracket.
- All events will have a yet to be determined team cap and we ask that if you happen to be placed on a wait-list for the event you have chosen, we will be adjusting the team numbers as the event demands.
- Depending on numbers, we may have to expand playing hours to late afternoon or early evening.
- Registrations may have to close early due to demand.
- When registrations are closed, any event with insufficient numbers for a competition will need to be collapsed and combined with another event. Competitors in the collapsed event will be notified so they can decide if they still want to play.
- The Tournament Director reserves the right to cancel or modify the events and/or schedule as needed pending influences beyond our control.
- If you are unavoidably delayed and it appears that you will not arrive in time for your game/match, please contact the Tournament Director via “contact tourney” on the registration page. In limited circumstances, we may be able to adjust the schedule and consider other options.
- If you are more than 10 minutes late for your game your result may be a forfeit!
The Tournament Director reserves the right to:
- review, and possibly alter the rating of players who self-rate below or above their actual ability.
- move players and teams between skill level brackets if on verification the wrong event has been entered.
- merge or split brackets based on event registration. Any event with fewer than 3 entries will be combined with another event of closest possible standard.
- change start times to facilitate smooth running of the tournament
- The Tournament Director reserves the right to modify the events and/or schedule as needed pending influences beyond our control.
Refund Policy
Refunds are available up until the close of registration but will incur a $5 service fee.
No refunds will be offered once registration is closed.