Amateur Format for Skill/Age Events
Skill Levels 5.0 & 4.5 will play the Double Elimination with No Come-Around format outlined below.
All other skill levels with events of more than 12 teams (or more than 12 players for singles) will also play the following format:
Double Elimination with No Come-Around (i.e. if a team loses a match, the best they can do from there is win Bronze and cannot come around for a chance to win Gold).
Main Draw: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
Consolation: 1 game to 15, win by 2
Bronze Medal Match: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
Gold Medal Match: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
Skill Levels 4.0, 3.5 & 3.0 with 12 teams (12 players for singles) or less will play the following format:
Round Robin with Playoffs:
4 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
5 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
6 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
7 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
8 teams: 2 pools of 4. Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams from each pool.
9 teams: 1 pool of 4, 1 pool of 5. Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams from each pool.
10 teams: 2 pools of 5. Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top two teams from each pool.
11 teams: 1 pool of 5, 1 pool of 6. Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top two teams from each pool.
12 teams: 2 pools of 6. Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top two teams from each pool.
13+ teams: Double Elimination with No Come-Around
Pool Play: 1 game to 15, win by 2
Playoffs: 1 game to 15, win by 2
Bronze Medal Match: 1 game to 15, win by 2
Gold Medal Match: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
*Events to be combined if there are less than 4 teams in Doubles or less than 4 players in Singles. Tournament organizers possess the right to combine events based on either skill or age to provide the best overall playing experience, given the circumstances.
*5.0 & 4.5 skill level events with less than 6 teams in Doubles or less than 6 players in Singles will play a Round Robin format with no playoffs. Game format will depend on the number of registered players/teams in each division.
*Brackets/Pools seeded by DUPR Rating.
The event has the right to shorten match formats if weather poses scheduling delays.
Please note that if you are playing in a doubles event and your partner does not register within 7 days of when you register, you will automatically be moved to the waitlist. Your spot in the main event will NOT be saved. If (after you are both registered and paid for the event) there is room in the main event, you will be moved back to the main event. If the event has filled up in the meantime, you will remain on the waitlist until a spot opens up.
Main Draw Format:
Double Elimination with No Come-Around (i.e. if a team loses a match, the best they can do from there is win Bronze and cannot come around for a chance to win Gold).
Main Draw: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
Consolation: 1 game to 15, win by 2
Bronze Medal Match: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
Gold Medal Match: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
***There will be no PPA Points Draw***
* Gold Medal Match 2/3 to 11 win by 2
* Bronze Medal Match 2/3 to 11 win by 2
* Official Ball: Vulcan VPro Flight Outdoor
Please note that if you are playing in a doubles event and your partner does not register within 7 days of when you register, you will automatically be moved to the waitlist. Your spot in the main event will NOT be saved. If (after you are both registered and paid for the event) there is room in the main event, you will be moved back to the main event. If the event has filled up in the meantime, you will remain on the waitlist until a spot opens up.
Players must be paid and have a registered and paid partner to be confirmed. Players not paid and without registered and paid partners will be moved to a wait list if the division in which a spot is being held is filled with fully registered and paid teams.
After registration is closed, any registered player losing a partner must replace that partner with an already registered player. The replacement partner must be in the same skill/age group that you are scheduled to play. Players can play down in age and up in skill. Replacements need to be known and communicated to the registration contact by 6pm the day before you are scheduled to play. Replacements can be found on the players needing partners list.