Advanced and Recreational division scramble format games at Town of Lysander Park.
Play to 11 and win by 1.
-Recreational will begin at 9 am
-Advanced will begin at 1 pm
Additional Information
In order to get a T-shirt, you must register before August 26th. Please specify what size and gender shirt you would like in the users defined tab on the event page. You can still register for the tourney after August 26th, however it will be too late to get a T-shirt. This does not change the cost of registration.
In the case of rain, the rain date will be the following day, on Sunday September 11th.
Refund Policy
Full refund minus $3.00 Administrative Fee will be given up to August 25th; No refund will be given less than 2 weeks in advance of the tournament date, or for inclement weather, natural disasters, or acts of nature.
Venue Details
Lysander Park
8439 Smokey Hollow Rd Baldwinsville, New York, 13027 United States