FORMAT (All OPEN events will be double elimination, some exceptions may apply)
• *Doubles events (with 5 or less teams) will play ROUND ROBIN format (best of 3 games, each game to 11 win by 2). Winners will be determined by matches won, head to head, and point differential.
• *Brackets with 8 or more teams will be split into Pools, with a Single Elimination Playoff to follow.
Pool play determines who moves on to playoffs.
• Playoff Main Draw: Each match consists best of 3, games to 11, win by 2 points.
• Playoff Consolation Draw: Each match consists of one game to 15, win by two points.
• *Brackets with 6-7 teams play ROUND ROUND format (1 game to 15, win by 2),
with a Singles Elimination Playoff to follow. The round robin will determine who moves to playoffs
(the top 4 teams will move on to medal matches).
• Playoff Main Draw: Each match consists best of 3, games to 11, win by 2 points.
• Playoff Consolation Draw: Each match consists of one game to 15, win by two points.
*Bracket format may vary depending on age group.
• Singles events will play Double Elimination format
• Main Draw: Each match consists best of 3, games to 11, win by 2 points.
• Consolation Draw: Each match consists of one game to 15, win by two points.
• Singles brackets with less than 5 teams will play a ROUND ROBIN format (best of 3 games, each
game to 11, win by 2). Winners will be determined by matches won, head to head, and point
• Brackets will be combined if there are less than 4 teams in any brackets under 70+. There is a 3 team minimum for 70+ brackets to have their own bracket WITHOUT being combined with another age group.
Players must be fully paid up to be confirmed to play in an event. If registering for a Doubles event, both players must be registered and paid to hold a spot in an event. If you don't have a registered partner, you will be moved to Waitlist if the division in which a spot is being held is filled with fully registered and paid teams.
After registration is closed, any registered player losing a partner may replace that partner someone in the same skill/age group that you are scheduled to play (though they may NOT play in two of the same type of event. For example if you need a male to play Mixed Doubles with you, he can't be already playing Mixed Doubles in another skill/age group already). Players can play down in age and up in skill. Replacements need to be known and communicated to the tournament director by 5pm the day before you are scheduled to play. If you are not able to find a replacement after registration closes, you may be issued a refund for the event only.