VPC Summer Heat Tournament are pleased to have their inaugural pickleball tournament.
This entry-level tournament will take place on Saturday, July 20 and Sunday, July 21.
VPC member pricing is $50 with $20 per additional event.
Non-member pricing is $60 with $20 per additional event.
Skill divisions will be:
Saturday, July 20
Women's Doubles 2.5 -2.9
Mixed Doubles 3.5-4.0
Women's Doubles 3.0-3.49
Men's Doubles 3.0-3.49
Sunday, July 21
Mixed Doubles 2.5-2.9
Mixed Doubles 3.0-3.49
Register with a partner (though the option will be available to register as "needing a partner", and allowing people to contact you.
The Tournament Director reserves the right to combine divisions or create additional divisions as required, depending on registrations. Our goal is to provide the most competitive and fun divisions as possible.
Tournament Director reserves the right to change start times based on registrations.
Please make sure to enable text message notifications under your pickleballbrackets.com account, as this is the method to notify you of your next match!
Registration opens on July 4th at 8pm for VPC members, and July 5th at 12pm for non-VPC members.